Separate names with a comma.
hump day
Haven't really had time to work on this. I'll try to find time to work on it.
Pimd is full of Pervs, GaW is really inactive, KaW nothing but Clan Ads. Every game of ATA has a problem. :/
Guys, the next chapter will be a lot longer and more action, a new character, and some learning about the characters. :)
It's okay. :)
I'm working on the next one right now. :)
Day one of outbreak 12:17am Stepping outside to the frigid night, I locked the door. The apartment complex was very quiet. It worried me a...
I love that game lol. They're undead but something else is controlling the brain. If they were alive, they would grow fungi
The new chapter will be up in Saturday. :)
The next chapter is gonna have a new character and some more action. It's also gonna be longer than the others. :)
Thanks guys for catching those mistakes. :D I'll try not to use "I" do much for now on. Lol. :)
This chapter is a little boring. Sorry. :( Day One of Outbreak I picked myself off the ground. Dark red stained my stained my shirt. I felt...
Phoenix, I might go for first person on the next one. It's seems a lot better in first person than in third.
Thanks for all the feedback. :D I will work on details in the next one.
Yup. Lol
Guys, I'll try my best to keep this story a lot different than the others. Trying to keep it as realistic as possible. Not like those cheesy...
It was a very sunny day in July. Alex, a nineteen year old male, was walking to his home from school. He was wearing a light grey t-shirt and...
Yeah, I do have a few ideas.