Separate names with a comma.
O.o no way...
He's right though lol hens lay eggs. Chicks are just babies xD The joke was hilarious though xD
Is it at least a nice book?
since you didn't answer my question i'm guessing that's a no? the flow is fine the way it is in my opinion, it's smooth, not choppy. No need to...
At first, I thought it sounded a bit cliche but I was proven wrong :] Your story keeps the reader hooked and hungry for more :] Please continue xD
Wow. I didn't know you were such a pessimist! lol jk <3 This is really good Goo. I love it. Did you win?
Hi hi <3
and attacked the city...
goo, so im on my comp and i can see number of posts and join dates... i see mine and i see yours... >.< i've been playing longer than you and...
the dad's nuclear test lab to be unsupervised..
Yup sure am :3
Slow :/ I have to do flyers too -.- And I have to reorganize one of our filing cabinets now! Fml lol. Luckily I'm out in 35 mins or so xD
Welcome back :]
"ear" dinner? What's that? but no if she's on the same level as me she'd become a threat lol. Anywhoo.. ttys :] love you too
Lol cuz it's my job to do the paperwork and accounting. Well the final stuff. Otherwise it's my underling who should be doing it -.- I've had to...
You should see this pile of paperwork on my desk -.- it's horrible lol
Hey you. You should've called on my lunch break you jerk! Lol
Anon, were you talking to me? Lol