Separate names with a comma.
How can none of iG answer a simple question ? But yet instead try so hard to divert :lol: :lol:
Guess you have never heard of turtle hun :o go back to your eb. Still no response from iG !! :evil:
As Tara doesn't want to or can't answer :o Can anyone in iG remind us all why Zaft decided they where better off without your so called alliance ?
No answer yet Tara ? still thinking are we..... :o
Tara Wasn't zaft once part of IG's alliance ? :lol: :lol: :lol:
ahh so iGs new plan of attack is to try to have the post locked by going off topic ? :o There There queen Im sure it will all be better soon...
Maybe try and practice what we preach ? ( check my wall from above forum poster) :?
Nothing intelligent to say hun ? guess being with iG must have lowered your intelligence :o
Yes Yes nice to see iG trying to derail the post well theres a shock :o . You all must be a bit slow on the uptake and I find it really funny...
If you care for them so much go and join them :o
Skirting round the issue about Swabia huh ? :o ( and yes foxes have it but iG should have that privlage stripped )
Ok last point for the minute ! Didnt the might iG stalwart leave because of what happened? (Swabia) Just in case you have no idea of who it was...
A typo lol Im sure you must be perfect in your own little world.
You to hun as those EBs must be a real challenge for you :lol: :lol:
Really is that the best insult you can come up with ? hun the truth hurts doesnt it :lol: :lol: Yes I suppose we see the real level of their...
Thanks for the bypass hope you enjoy your silence you foul mouthed person.
Sorry all Ive been a little busy keeping those pesky bad people locked up :) Hmm last time i seen was the mighty WIT was inactive and forced to...
How fitting it is to see that Pure Evil and others gave this clan such a battering that they are now nothing more than an EB clan to which even...
So -wit- now prefer EB to system war :o
A simple challenge was asked nothing else hun