Separate names with a comma.
No I'm saying they pay after the war is over not during attacks. The attack plunders should go in a clan pot. Survival is part of war. You...
Btw the only reason anyone would want to war is for treasure and money in some fashion. This is a war game, for heaven's sake.
In my opinion, most war rules should remain the same. You should do a winner takes all approach as in real war all the plunder in a big pot would...
I agree that there should not be any changes in ability to hit someone. This is war. Plus give cash out as an ultimate purse for winners plus...
It would be good to add a new t3 or t4 spy building. I'd love seeing 30,000 spies per building.
The people with the comments about hansels and heavy spy builds are right about nml. I have done 10 BIL in a nml at probably half this size. In...
No man's land is the most slept on eb. If you are active from the start, you can make close if not over 10 BIL. I know a guy who made 16 BIL plus...
What pays more on ebs? 47 SOS or 47 guilds? Explain why.
Did you come up with the term attack build hunter? I ask because I have a unique version known as the nasgul or the giant-killer.
definitely go hansel I make more money than members bigger than me with attack builds. Doubled the no man's land bonus on the #2 guy today. Check...