Separate names with a comma.
As always weezus great post! Its great to have you back, just hope its not temporary. Support to all my family at apoc. Always good to fight...
Its an egg white omelet. No yolk. Sorry jb I had to. On a side note this is the funniest thread ive read in awhile. Been laughing since the first...
KotFE forever. Still hands down the closest family in kaw. True warriors. True family.
Welcome back my family. Good to have you home
╔╦╗╔╗╔║║╥╔╗╔╗╔╗ ║║║╠╣║╠╣║║║╠╴╚╗ ╨╨╨╨╨╚╨╨╨╨╨╚╝╚╝ Of ThE ༺Á̸P☣Ć̸A̸Ł༒ཾPS̸Ξ༻ Wolves. Beware the wolves....just sayin.
Wait wha?
Ashes you never disappoint
To my family true and strong. Still proud to be here. You all are amazing. Glad to see we are still around and thriving. I love my family and I...
Everyone in KotFE has been like family to me. Truly brings a different element to the game. This is the source of our strength. If you're thinking... mas lol
Nice work Clay. Best family in Kaw. Come see.
Well said ashlore. POWER TO THE PEOPLE. lol. Devs are you listening?
"The people crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do" I hate to be the one to throw quotes, but it seems fitting. To...
Wow. Berd you will be sorely missed. To a warrior, both ee, and osw, sometimes cc and that third party app. Cheers my friend. It was truly an...
Good work kotfe! Awesome war! I am proud of you all, and still proud to be a part of this family.
I support any decrease in enchant fails. Personally the low success rate of equip enchant has made me NOT want to spend money to enchant things. I...
For the "all your doing is changing banners, you can't force people to change banners, etc" people-you're missing the point. For all of you that...
Even kaw admin support nice. I cannot speak for kotfe as a whole but I fully support this. Good luck and happy hunting yafi
Re: BLACK FRIDAY LIVE Also quit whining about spending money. Yes I feel the frustration about some events (cough fangs cough) that are ludicrous...
Re: BLACK FRIDAY LIVE "Go forth and trample" haha. Love it devs. I'm stealing that!