Separate names with a comma.
Is the suprise that ee lvls all giv 25% plunder bonus
Just another event dif format enjoy spendin ya cash nuggets
Me mate bob he was a legend was saw him down 3 pints in 10 seconds #legwnd
Re: Petition INDI NEEDS TO HAVE A PART IN S6 Support
Support wud giv ppl like me more reason ta war than just renewing
Anybody who can say migrants put more into this country than take is deluded, i have workedwith a lot of polish builders some i am gud friends...
Ukip may have some racists views and may b clueless but arent 75% of parliment that way. As a english builder with five kids working 90hr weeks to...
Re: EE WAR PETITION Ee is crap now nowt wrong we primals, indis r a joke, but hey wat wud i know im a eb pansy
Re: Պαցΐς ֆթαηΚ ฿αηΚ Im allergic to bieng spanked, any chance i could just av me toes tickled
Support 100%
Ok who holder of british championship
Take em big boy they gettin lazy
And yep im a noob but my nf alqays open to u pal
And troll wat ya prob u spout off on every thread gobbin it like some twelve year kid
He crap drag fat scouse ray
U just stay as ourlap dogs
Pars it cuz ya shlt pal
England i scotch pleb and troll pipe dosn wtf u know about sport u muppet