Separate names with a comma.
Thnx Toxic, it was an emojis propblem.
I mean like a new thread.
Is it just me or is anyone else unable to post in forums?
I'm trying to transfer this account to a new phone but it says : "You have attempted to use many devices to access this account. Login disabled"....
Whi u du dis
We don't. We get left out like usual
Can some1 my size solo a normal haunting?
What is the point of static defense if top 2 pots can cut through it?
At this point all I care about is participating in the ASW. Thanks for all the info Mango :D
So even if I am a hansel attk stats are still the best
Out of the following three, which is the best way to boost my overall strength? Increasing my attk stats, my spy stats, or my Atk/Spy Def stats?...
Do ADT and SDT count in overall strength or not?
What is better to get me ranked higher up, hiring an ally for tril or upgrading with a tril gold? And what is the fastest way to make a tril...
OK I got it. Does anyone know someone in 10,000-9,000 range? So I can at least get an idea. Preferably a hansel like me. Also second part of my...
@Mango Can't do what exactly? Reach top 10,000?
How can i know my exact lb ranking for the ASW? It currently says I am unranked. I want to know if it is possible to reach top 10k by the due...
How can i check my overall rank?
Anyone know someone who enchanted the ice tail from lvl 10 to lvl 11 and 12? I want to know the fail rates of these enchantments or if it is a...
About The blade that was released for the ice moth events, I know I can enchant it to lvl 10 with aqua and inferno that is an obvious. But the...