Separate names with a comma.
hbd fam
no support
I thought it's sunday already?
Full support whenever we can help the sick and poor it's great! Nice one spook!!
Troll it wont be useless if u would change build one day haha
I'm really caught by this idea! It might be a good improvement for clans ! I like the idea just need more details and better thoughts about it!...
She's seeking for support and attention once again.
i want all my buildings a 100% refunded so i can change my build :)
yes skulls into 50bil or into seals or into 5k feathers for one skull
like mochigames :/ @ kaw devs support kongrete to link with ATA I D and FB ! please! :) that way we dont needa make new ugly alts! :) and are...
skull should be sold for 50B support with that!
big support ! also an achievement badge if u hit 100 successs 1000 and 25000 succesfull hits hehe
i got 20nobs in about 9days actively questing.
do you even lift bro?
search a clan that will support you and protect you and keep that mofo pinned then.
support to osiris
vix is the best! didn't read the thread! but Support!