Separate names with a comma.
Much better :lol:
You need to censor that sword as well it promotes violance, look at the middle east they are beheading everyone. Kawmothers against violance would...
4 years and your stats look like poo nice
Dammmnnn well the escalted
Whatchu know about commandos?
Phew i dont see my name :lol: i vote luck
Re: New I know a 4 year that swears more than i do lol
Re: New Dang i was actually looking through one now just for this reason :lol:
Can we get favor update please
I hate that unicorn that moos in wc screw you mooing unicorn!!!!
Almost looks like a whole piece to me but tell me how is your hunt for favors going after crying nerf nerf nerf, you still on lb or have gone back...
Whats so fair about a small kingdom with decent bfe making more than a regular kingdom? You are not a small kingdom you are an exploit i would of...
My dragon chest plates has better stats than the titan chest plates maxed since i wont be top 1k and wont use that crappy armor kaw com can have...
I guess i am not the only one getting 1 or 2 drops per bar lol i use to get about 3/5 before the fix lol. I think they decreased the drop rate as...
I like to see more milestone,s personally i do not care if it is some crazy high number as long as it is reachable by the end of an event ill buy...
I made 2k in a day with a sword lol
God that took forever to type on a phone :lol:
And I would like to give my 2 cents about to the rewards system I think you should get rid of the top 1000 and top 500 tier and replace them with...
They are seperate events since you have taken the pve path you should be looking at the hunters lb not favor lb to see your standing.
Look at lbs years played and their battle loses roni has more battle loses than them of course people buy their way up to lb