Separate names with a comma.
Op tryin to get vk
I like terra's idea. Negetive numbers for over 10 mins= Pushed out of at?
Re: PvP/New Lands/New EQ Great compilation of ideas.Support
I like op now.
Somebody beat me to it
Please try restarting kaw. If this does not resolve your issue please email support@athinkingape.
Re: what has a direct effect on mithral distribution at the end Potions you used to attack, potions you caused the opponent to use in defense....
Family Friends Science Music Sleep
Do you even fite? Lift me irl bro.
It is cheaper to build them on highlands but ou will loose less plunder if you do it on hoarfrost. That good enough for you, op?
Hmm* I* don't* see any incorrect spellings******** CORRECTIONS OVERHAUL
I see some. Right in your post, mister.
Same for iPhone I believe. On this subject PC messages need to get fixed
ZOMG FULL SUPPORT STICKY IN EVERY TOPIC BEST OF!!!!1111!!!!!!1111211211111191771011111!!!!!
To ee and not leak during ee wars so they're accepted. You guys aren't in the position to call us stupid when you don't know the slightest about...
Love this... Best of
If you are an attack heavy build spies can lower your promo items and gold received.
Support, I also like how you managed to fit in pics bigger than 320x320 and not mess up the text. :)