The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. "Hello sir, what can I get you?" Lady asks. Technically she's not a waiter, but she decided to be nice to this strange
  2. "I'm sorry sir, ive got to go, ask irin for whatever you need,"
  3. Wolf pops silently out of the shadows and says, "Give it a rest Marian, I know you're not a waiter, and This man here isn't about to let you pick his pocket." "By the way," he says, sticking out his hand, "You owe me."
  4. "Since when do I owe you anything?" Lady asks.
  5. The man swiftly points his sword at lady-marian.

    "I'd prefer to speak to an actual waitor, I wouldn't want to use this" He says, trying not to sound like a threat.

    The sword he mentions was a long, thin metal blade. It had symbols engraved on the front of it, but solely for decoration. He wielded it strongly in his right hand

    "And to you lurkers, I can see you." He continues, throwing a hidden dagger straight into the center of the dartboard hanging from the other side of the cafe.
  6. "Well then mister! Don't you try anything funny or I'll get Talon." Lady warns the man, "And you're no match for Talon, ask anyone!"
  7. The man looks at lady and lowers his sword.

    "You might also not want to drink that, it wasn't Irin who brought you that, and I think those ninjas came bacK."

    He returns to his seat and hopes Irin will take his order this time. He appears to also have become more talkative since his arrival, which may not work well for him.
  8. Lady yawns and stretches. "See ya later Talon, I hope you can find your way back to Trellion, cause' I'm to tired to transport you back home." Lady yawns one more time and leaves the café.
  9. Irin becomes annoyed. If the man couldn't see, she had no idea where she was. She got up anyway and said, "Can I take your order?"
  10. "Hey guys!" Taylor says as she enters the cafe.
  11. Wolf laughs, an evil laugh, with no humor.
    "Talon is no match for anyone, and I have no match. For Talin could not compare to me."
  12. "Taylor!" Wolf says, "Nice to see you! Lady Marian owes me." He beckons here over, and whispering he points at tek. "See that fellow over there? Thinks he's everything. Take care of him please? My food just came, and I'm hungry." Wolf goes over and sits down at a table.
  13. "ummm ok." Taylor says a little bit uncomfterble. "Does anyone know where lady or Irin is?"Taylor says aloud
  14. The man then realizes Irin's situation. He thought she forget only the event, but now realizes that this is permanant. He decides to go help her. Wether it's the truth he tells her, or manipulates the amnesiac, he must still decide.

    "Are you okay?" He says to Irin "I heard you are having some memory troubles. Need some help?"
  15. -Not in RP-

    I got to go for the night. I'll be back for tomorrow afternoon/evening. Not as much RP tonight.

    -Back in RP-
  16. "Why do I owe you, and what do I owe you?" Lady asks Wolf.
  17. Irin looks at the strange man, not sure how he could have known. "Im fine, thanks." she says. "Can I get you anything?"
  18. - Crack ! -