Under- or over- priced

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Humongosuar (01), Dec 7, 2010.

  1. What Determines If You are over- or under- priced

  2. There isn't a set over/under, but if not many people are buying you, you mat be overpriced
  3. Oh Thanks I get it
  4. There is a under/overpriced every 1k sats is equal to 10mil hope this post gives u an easier ally shopping
  5. Yeah Wat Dragon said , but this changes as u get stronger, let's say u have 200k combined stats 3bil would be a good price for u
  6. Well then I must b a lil underpriced/right price cuz I have bout 371k stats and I'm like 4.2 bil
  7. i rarely see underprice people anymore...-.- I had a ally with 20k attack and only costed 86m.... now I see 400m people
    with only 20-10k stats...:(