Irin turns her rath on star and starts screaming at him. Someone taps her on the shoulder and she turns to find a man with an eyepatch. "You should calm down," "Your right." Irin says regrattably. She somewhat enjoyed yelling at star. Taking a deep breath, she says, "Nevermind. It's okay. Coffee?"
This whole thing has given Irin an idea, so she hangs a sign on the window. It reads: Character nights! Every Friday through Sunday night. Come and act as your favorite character from any book, weather it's on kaw or not. At the bottom in fine print it says: Blood on the floor is not tolerated.
Sup? Why is everyone talking in the third person? We need to make this a pal group, forum chat just don't work no more. Seth
"Cause third person is fun." irin says. "Plus it's a character night. (See above) And it's just not the amae on pal, I think."
Star sits down in his chair, suprised at Irin and frustrated with Apple. "I think it's official. Apple does not want me to update my iPod." He says with frustration. Seeing the character night, he goes to look in his bookshelf to try and find a character to roleplay as. He also decides to set up email on his iPod so he can finally upload those pictures.
"This place has a far more civilized roleplay." he adds. "Sorry about the hole Irin, what else can you do if your under attack by ninjas?"
Ok for plying aces, how shuld I tell the story, like the main character is old and he's telling the story or I tell the story as it's going on
Star bursts in with joy. After several long hours the forums finally were restored. He almost kisses the floor in his joy.
"Yeah, what was up with the forums?" Talon said, very annoyed. "I kept on trying to get on them, but it said "ERROR"!"
"I'm not sure, I spent most of tje time on palringo." Star replies. "Turns out the group for The New New New Universe does not take a joke very well" he explains.