The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I've come up with a nice name for my book:

    In the dark

    Sounds cool?
  2. I just need some more character names and a "back cover" so to speak!;)
  3. The "back cover" is going to go something like this:

    In a clan that shares everything, you wouldn't think a secret could be hidden. You wouldn't think a traitor would go unnoticed. You wouldn't think they're anything less than great friends. But this clan holds dark secrets that have been hidden since the beginning of time. The power to uproot those secrets also lies within the clan. In this clan, both heroes and villains will be left in the dark.
  4. I've posted the beginning of my newest story:

    In the Dark!;)
  5. I like it Arch! Just uses alot of I's and lady I love it!!
  6. I felt like posting some poetry, so here's a lulleby I wrote.

    Hush, little one.
     Lay down your fragile head.
    As your heavy heart,
     lifts the burdens from your bed.

    Hush little one, 
    for morning has no fears.
    It shall ease the past,
     and dry away your tears.

    Dream well, little one.
     Be safe in Night's bright hands.
    Soon the Stars will fade, 
    and the sun will touch the lands.

    Hush little one. 
    Let the stars be your faithful guide.
    I promise you tonight. 
    I will always be at your side.  

    My little angle, do not fret. 
    Let Tomorrow lead you now.
    Stand strong through earth's strong winds,
     but do not bow.

    Hush little one. 
    Be still in knowing sure,
    That when morning breaths, 
    you will be safe forever more.

    Hush little one. 
    Tonight your search will end.
    The day brings lost ones home, 
    and for others it will send.

    Little searcher, 
    thank the stars! 
    This will be your final rest.
    Dawn will wrap you in His arms, 
    and find the one who loves you best.
  7. Alpha Kenny Girl

    It's Saturday night, and I'm alone again. I have nothing to do except stare at my iPhone screen, distracted from KaW only by my loneliness. I'm sitting on my couch, with one hand down my pants. I'm debating moving to my bedroom where I'll have a little more privacy and comfort, but I'd rather not move.

    Eventually, I decide to get up... I walk towards my unmade bed, gingerly stepping over the piles of dirty cloths I had carelessly discarded on the floor the night before. Striking a sexy pose, I turn around and glance over my shoulder, with my hair hanging over my eyes. I strike a devious smile, and flick off the lights with a flick of my wrist.

    My cloths come off in seconds, and moments later I'm under my sheets. Fingers dancing over my body and silk sheets caressing my curves titillates me even more. I'm so excited now, I can barely contain myself.

    All of a sudden, I hear a voice utter something behind me. Shocked, thinking that someone stumbled in on me, I quickly turn around, only to come face-to-face with the wall behind me. I hear the voice again, this time my own. Shocked, I realize that I am the one talking- I am the one muttering something! After a short pause, I strain myself to her what I am saying... "Ben Dover for Mike Hawk."

    Bewildered about what was going on, I turn around, and to my amazement I am staring at a voluptuous girl's cute ass. Her body is perfect, her ass is shaped like a bubble, but not too big, and very firm. Her head is face down in the mattress, ass in the air, one sparkling blue eye peering out through her hair over her shoulder, pleading with me to thrust deep into her.

    My libido quickly overwhelms my confusion. No longer caring about who this sweet girl is, why she is in my room, or all the other strange happenings, I thrust myself deep into her, feeling her shudder in pleasure. I last almost five seconds, and almost as I'm about to reach a climax, I hear another voice say, "Come Honor Face". The cute girl whips around, and so I do.

    I woke up the next morning, the sheets still sticky with what had or hadn't happened last night. It was probably a wet dream, but the sheets are too stained for one person. I smell another scent, the scent of a woman, and not my own.

    There's really one thing I remember about that night now...

    Alpha Kenny Girl if she'll Ben Dover for Mike Hawk, and I'd love to Come Honor Face
  8. It's not edited or anything... But I'm really bored, and that "In the Dark" story made me think of what happens at night... in the dark... under the sheets.


    I'm laughing really hard right now.
  9. It'd be better if I didn't write it one handed... I am kind of tired.

    I just like having a Fu**ing good time (wink).
  10. I need an editor, cuz zaln said it would be a good idea to have new editors once in a while. Post your EXAcT palringo name(Everything) and I will send you the chapters.(That's right, chapters.)
  11. Why not...

  12. Erm, I have to apologize, a that story did not perform well. I was tired, and banged it out in 10 min while in my bed, under the sheets.

    My editing style:

    I use the NY Times editing style. I really like opinionated work, and the op-Ed section is my favorite. Editing stories is a bit different, but most of the same rules apply. I give a simple grammar and spelling check, and if I notice the writing keeps making a mistake I put in a quick blip about why he can't do that, and a simple way to remember it.

    I won't change the author's ideas, but I will try to help the author to express them. I have frequently found that I get a different message than the author intended, and that helps the author make his point more clear.

    Getting on the subway, so I can give a more details later. If you'd like to discuss it further, I'm in the channel kaw, with the name 'hotchkiss', and usually shown as offline.
  13. Prolouge is up for The Agent tell me what u think plz
  14. Sry for some reason when I type in a name on pal it don't show up, so can u try mine? It's Wolf.
  15. Oh- you have to type someone's PAL I'D to add them- not their uname!
  16. Hi I want to write a story. It takes place in late medieval and early modern time so with muskets and stuff is it a good idea?
  17. It's not a setting that makes a story. It's the plot