Infection:Black Infection:black is a RP in witch all players but one work together to hold off inevitable zombie doom. That one is the Alpha zombie. The goal of the alpha zombie is to infect the other players to join the zombie legion. Zombies can die but will respawn far away from the human players, allowing then at least a 30 miniute regain period. Zombies have infinite respawns. All enforcement and conducting of gameplay will be carried out by players designated by me. Alll disisions must be impartial or will be void. Combat will be carried out by stating your action and giving the other player a chance to respond before you injure or infect them. No 1 action kills! all starting gear must be approved by other players. Don't take it too seriously, it's just a game and u can't relly "win". Game begins as soon as everyones set and I give he go ahead. I will be alpha zombie.
Class: Assassin Role: Mercenary Has one friend who follows him around wherever he goes. Weapons: Belt of throwing knives, two boot knives(dirks) and a longbow, with leather armor. Assistant is armed with a sword, armor, and shield.
Alpha zombie Original infection epic battle axe Leather duster, boots, rusty iron plating Veil spew (like a slightly corrosive disease barf) Small speed bursts Small strength boost wall climb Tell me if this is fair.
That's it? Please ether a) be a worker Or b) get some more stuff like armor or an ability so I don't crush u. But it's just options and if u don't want to ur build ight.