Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PiNoY_pRiDe, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. How can i become an OSF??? Need some advice
  2. - U NEED to LC!!
    -change all ur buildings 1 by 1 to guilds t1 lvl4
    -do forfeiting plunders wars as small osf to get war tax
     and final- upgrade guilds t1 to t2 1 by 1!!!
    here u go u are now an hight lvl osf!
  3. 1. Lc first. Spies maje too little gold.
    2. To lc, invest in allies. Having 1 troop building and rest lvl3 guilds helps.
    3. This is for t3 osf. After lc with hansel, save 25b in allies. Then sell all of them, and convert your troop to a guild. Bank the rest
    4. Ur now an osf!
    5. You can do plunder wars where enemy forfeits and gets you lotsa gold; you can use this to go t4. Stealung wont make you enuf gold.
  4. t3 OSF? i thought there were only 2 tiers of spy building? t1 guild and t2 stronghold? or do ppl refer to it as something different now...? -.-
  5. Wrong section of the forums. I'll be moving this to strategy.
  6. Awww your so nice koolaid

    If only u coulda been nice an told me not to do it before my ipod broke for 4 montbs 
  7. Please ignore raeki's thousands of spelling mistakes.
  8. lol. we've all learned about those :D
  9. Wil raaky evar bee abel ta spel correctalie?
  10. Itts hart ta missspel som o da sorter wurds.