What's your favorite city?

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *rockshade (01), Nov 2, 2010.

  1. I have been to a lot of citys but I'd have to say France was the best. I loved the smell
  2.  France is a country
  3. Uranus, it's so large
  4. Mine is Stfunooblet
  5. Erram. It's lovely this time of year. But watch out for the fortune tellers. They're not right in the head, if you get what I'm saying. The healers are nice, but a little mysterious. Oh, and whatever you do, stay away from anyone with an eyepatch. He might give you a ring that may or may not eat your finger...
  6. Myakka City. Look it up
  7. Lmao. Noob alert. France is a country. And id have to say Key Largo. Its north of Key West
  8. BeanTown all the WAy!?!
  9. NYC haha best 1 ive been to but phenix is kool 2
  10. Europe is my favorite city. Right after alaska and japan.
  11. Lmao i think he MEANT to fail.
  12. What do you mean I failed? Who doesn't like japan?
  13. These streets will make you feel brand new, these lights will inspire you, let's hear it for new York! New York! New yoooork!
  14. København, Danmark.

    Aka. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  15. NYC, Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami, and/or Destin.

    Yeah...I couldn't decide ;)
  16. Little miss wtf. I live 30 min from destin :D
  17. Hope Town crystal clear water and great fishing FTW
  18. Smallville and gotham haha
  19. Id like to see Paris