AWESOME POST!!! Extremely informative, and VERY well written!! did an excellent job of backing up your info! Which btw has been tested to be 100% correct! Thank you for taking the time to compile such helpful information. A must read for all nooblets 5 stars to Summy BUMP
Having as much in allies as your next land will be enough for max plunder. But always have double the next land before you sell your allies so you will still be able to max plunder after upgrading.
Lol gurex. I wasn't saying u were dumb. There is some advanced info in these posts... Such as nyn or tmh's contributions. Always good to brush up on.
Hey Miss Sumsete I'm still a bit of a noob. I've been hearing lately that if I add a guild to my build that I would make more plunder per attack? I currently have no guilds. I'm a pure attack build.