Game Completions Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. Is thier a way of getting these bonus's without reseting?
  2. There's no way if getting them without resetting, you can get propaxks but those are diffrentnt items that WILL stack with the reset bonuses
  3. Gotcha do you get a moderator bonus
  4. Back in the days kaw dev chatted more 
  5. Kaw admin hire me plz lol
  6. It's sooo weird reading this because early posts say that teir 3 will be out soon lol. And cor was actually active.
  7. Do u think majesty will reset lol
  8. Majesty doesn't need to reset. He has enough strong allies to blow a hole on anyone. Even LC/Resets can't touch him.

    I would say the same for nyn, no LC+Reset also on LB
  9. Theoretically, with help from friend, majesty could reset and return to his #1 spot. It would just take hard work, a lot of time, and trustworthy friends.
  10. I don't compare with those top guys - they're like 5 times stronger than me  ... Bomonator also has never reset & he's #2 on allies lb ... manages to stick around #10 overall with insanely low wins. But theoretically the resetters
  11. Have an advantage - it just takes time for the extra slots to mean much.
  12. It's true, the resetters just have to fill in the slots to be awesome. I've only reset once, but I'm planning on more in the future.
  13. I suggest you offer an achievement icon for lced resets
  14. Its taken 3ish months to lc/bc. I dont know if I can be bothered. I guess it'll be quicker each time though. Hmmm...
  15. It can take 2 weeks/15 days from scratch and do it right and are fairly dedicated. 10-12 days for lc only, which is onlt whats needed for the reset bonus.
  16. My clan mate did it in 4 lol
  17. Majesty can be beaten if u have lots of allies like him. It's a game lol. "can't be touched"...lmao who r u kidding ppl :)
  18. Well I'm new to the news thing but I think you all have good points also you should have the choice to change your flag to something the you want it to look like that would be realy cool well that's what's I think
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