
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Liquid__, Oct 4, 2010.

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  1. *shoves poison into kryptons mouth
  2. hehe....*goes off to make something*
  3. Or more like, "empties the vial into his mouth after restaraining him."
  4. *adds snake poison to a vail filled with more poison of some kind*
  5. I let the rat go and plus u have to post all things u do when u do them so u fail at rping
  6. sends 1 million zombies, and 500k swordsmen into bane. airdrops 250k trolls, 300k orcs, and 100k golems into bane
  7. Continues converting people. Membership of bane is now at 4 mil
    250k paladins
    500k slayers
    2 mil workers
    500k arch
    500k knights
    250k rifle
  8. *feeds to a zombie rat and sends into banes kingdoms to infect everything*
  9. The infection Is viral no cure for viral infections duh
  10. air drops 5 mill more zombies into bane, plus 500k dragons
  11. I add my 500k swords men to cheese force take that
  12. Sweet since all of bane's water Suppies are infected 4 mill more zombies to use to kill u
  13. Krypton i already killed u
  14. Sends slayers to hunt down and kill the dragons. 4 dragon lairs are destroyed. 20k slayers are killed.
  15. Lmao u died of snake posion
  16. Kyrpton since u have broken rules of the thread u are kicked get out now
  17. Ignore krypton cuz he's dead
  18. *moves infected area to around the capital city of bane*
  19. Ok bak to defending our kingdom from the demons
  20. Continues hunting dragons for 5 years, dragons are now almost extinct. Membership of bane is now at 5mil.
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