Forges stinks

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by A-Smexy-Panda, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. Build war chatelaines there beter
  2. What's a war chatelaine
  3. Actually, they give def, but low atk, doing opposite of forges. (besides, forges=lower def...)
  4. Hahaha I think you mean war cathedral they do give good defense but forges give better plunder
  5. War cathedrals give better overall stats.
  6. Lotd cathedrals give 151200 plunder bonus per hit. I believe
  7. What's the exact number for forges than smart guy
  8. How the he'll do you get chatelaines instead of cathedrals?
  9. That sounds like a ingreidient

    Chocolate pudding:

    ~~~~~~,~~~~~~,~~,~~~~~~~~, chatelaine,~~~~~~~
  10. Haha cathedrals give more plunder.
  11. Just like circles, cathedrals give 5% more plunder than forges.
  12. U have mire troops will forges
  13. Forges give 144 k plunder + 144 k( possible) from plunder bonus, therefore a cathedral giving 151.2 k ( possible) from plunder bonus gives 151.2k plunder.
  14. If u have more troops then u can get a higher amount regardless of plunder bonus
  15. But... If u have different buildings u get+/-5% plunder.
  16. War cathedrals are for mixed builds I'm attack build so subs are what's best for me until the new buildings come
  17. You want my educated Opinion?
    I'd Want
    All Forges Except 1 Circle, Cathedrals Give a Little mor ally plunder, but less regular plunder and u can't beat as strong targets
    The 1 Beastiary is good enough for extra troops, trust me, you don't need full build,
    if your all forges, to make up for low defence, buy defence pots