Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by lililililililililil, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. 0.0 am I qualified to join?! I where sunglasses at night :p
  2. Sooooooo gonna be awesome story
  3. Sure I'll join
  4. Wait what r guys doing again just writing a story
  5. Nope, not a fan fiction. Think of it as a club. Fan fictions will be our basis, but there's so much more to zombie killing than story.
  6. There is different type of zombies (not just slow and fast)

    Undead: are impossible to kill with a weapon. Some consider using salt or prayers.

    Contaminated Zombie: most of the time fast and contagious. You better not get to close.

    Malnutrish Zombies : slow and alwais looking for food. A goid stick and it can easyly get killed.

    Baby Zombies : if it was born zombie he will probably die weak. Cant realy be considered as an invidual class.

    Plant vs ZOMBIES: ridicoulous zombie with great intelligence.
  7. Get hyped: this is not even the beginning. Just a taste test.
  8. I'm still here not dead yet
  9. I'm ready to TAKE THEM DOWN!!! let's enlist alien help
  10. Oh blumpy .... Zombies could happen
  11. They did happen!!!!
  12. They did. Dam zombies always making me mess my hair up
  13. I wana see a zombie!! 0.0
  14. Bump for what could be best fan fiction in the makings!!
  15. Join the pal group sunglasses at night
  16. O.0 Make the signup thread.
  17. Lol summers, we'll make it soon