The go around story game

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *llllllIIIIllll (01), Jul 7, 2010.

  1. The pie was thusly eaten by a woman with raging hormones with...
  2. A cow on her head
  3. And a killer bacon by her side
  4. But the bacon smelled like oprahs armpits
  5. So he got some goat testicles instead
  6. But the tesitcles had aids and then he got aids
  7. He then molested a few donkeys and
  8. Was passed into a animal sex trade triangle
  9. And got sold to an Arabian oilwell owner along with a rabbit
  10. Who would giggle when u touched him
  11. And would scream for 3 hours daily
  12. He then raped the rabbit with a
  13. ...and goodnight. Just forget about your ga ga STD.