Operation:Interception Sign-Up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by german_idiot, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. You should make a thread that led up to the moment the story will be German I'm gonna call you that for short
  2. That's ok Chris and what do u think the gun should b m4a1 or lwrc m6a3
  3. Make it M16A4 then
  4. wow i actually got in
  5. "Vasquez, take out the guy in front, Bastion u go 'round back and find a good sniping position and take the other outs quietly." They knew what to do and they did it well. "Hey lieutenant, should I plant the c4 on the generators yet?" I said no because Bastion has been sitting in a bush for three days and he knew the guards shifts. Kennedy obeyed and followed my lead. We headed to the side gate and went in. Our mission- destroy the enemy installation and take out terrorist leader Victor Petrenko. That what SEALS do and my team was the best damn team in the country. I'm their leader, lieutenant first class Matt Spillman. My team went to Victors coordination and started looking. I finally found his room and entered it. I saw him near his balcony but to my surprise he said, "Ah, Mr.Spillman so nice of u to come your late though." I answered."how do u know my name?" "Oh I know much about you since your colleage told me." I was stunned. One of my own team betrayed us? And at that moment I realized who. "Bastion." I then looked behind me, there he was, with Vaquez' and Kennedys dogtags in his hand. "Why Bastion why would you betray us!?" "Cause Im tire of working for one employer. I'm broadening my clients and Victor is my first one. He hired me to kill you." At the moment I pulled out my barretta M9 and aimed it at Bastion, ready to kill. But something stopped me, a knife on my throat held by an unknown person who seemed to have come from the shadows. I was outnumbered, outgunned and betrayed, but I wasn't outsmarted. I planted c4 all around this building and I wasn't going to go out without finishing this. I quickly pulled out the detonator and pressed the explosive mechanism after that I felt like my ears were about to explode. I was unconscious a second later.

    End of prologue tell me what u thinkî„…
  6. Sorry tant m16 jams too much
  7. Its cool. Im not in it yet though
  8. Let's talk german, German_Idiot :p
  9. Let's talk german, German_Idiot :p
  10. Because I'm not that good at all I know is gutentaug
  11. Name: Ryan James
    Branch: Army Rangers
    Age: 31
    Weapon specialty: explosives, guerilla tactics, close combat and side arm weaponry.
    Bio: no trace of family or parents, aged out of foster care straight to military, quickly rose to top. Last worked for black water. Now in operation: interception.
    Birth place: Austin, Texas.
  12. Wow it sounds great !
  13. How come I'm not in the story
  14. It's just a prolouge Chris u guys come in later
  15. Ok when you gonna right it