If you are a osf join join storm

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Arch_The_Almighty_MaCHiNE_l, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. Try hiring a few.
  2. i love this show! *runs to get some popcorn*
  3. Whoa wait how do u join join?
  4. Meanie. Now I'm definitely not telling my brother to join your clan.
  5. Lol I'm an osf but I'm not gonna join ur clan cause u were mean to someone then lied about it btw I'm talking bout this guy 
  6. I wasn't being me I said shut the fart up
  7. wow, "please! join my clan so we can farm you and take your money....." sounds like a good approach
  8. Ahh so u weren't kidding I see
  9. I was kidding i say that to people not being mean just joking around with them
  10. I highly doubt a random osf will just join your ckan to be a perma farm. Try converting one of your existing members to pure spy instead
  11. Yea ok watever GL