How do u get ppl to volly u?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by StonerWolf, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. I'm worth 6 bill and now no one wants me and I dnt have an owner how do I get ppl to hire or volly me easyer and I do have foregs and good stats :(
  2. U call them all idiots and losers and make fun of them that's how u get vollied
  3. Ask a really strong person to hire u
  4. After 6bil u don't need vollied. Now u need to learn other ways to make money such as increasing your ally plunder bonus & winning battles. Check the strategy forums for guidance.
  5. Thx nyn,that's sounds bout rite
  6. Once u hit 2 or 3b vollying is completely irrelevant, u make more from 1 hit than u do from 10 hires
  7. Ur help is above
  8. Insult them is how