Not all accounts can attempt to pvp with all other accounts. when there is too large of a size disparity, the game will not allow you to attack/spy another account Everyone is placed into a hit range tier based on their size. Tiers double in size, and players can hit 2 tiers up and down Size is calculated as build + bfa/50 + charms/100 For example: I am 70bcs with 2.8t bfa and 10t charms 70 + 56 +100=226 The relevant hit range tiers 11bcs 22bcs 44bcs 88bcs 176bcs 352bcs 704bcs 1408bcs Hippy is in the 176bcs tier, and can hit roughly anyone from 44-1408 bcs For Kingdoms and Allies war, charms are removed from the equation, everything else still stands