Charm request to sell on KAW store.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _____________MuSaNg______IDD__, Jan 19, 2025.

  1. I would like to requests to KAW marketing team to add charms to sale on the store. I and others like 90% of KAW player are not max cap on charms relative to build. Also 90% ALB 100 are not cap on charms relative to build and BFA. This have a potential for KAW to earn extra money to improve the game and advertising to gain new players. Most of us have no chance of max cap even with 5 alts. I believe even if a player have 20 alts still will not be able to cap charms relative to build. The new lands and building will always outgrow the charm we earn on each event. Only way to cap by going to black market which I personally refused to participate. I think many of us in the game refused to buy on black market because we don't want to support the players who abuse the game. If we spend any money we rather want it to go to ATA so can keep this game little more longer. I may not spend crazy money if you sell charms on the store. I can promise you that I will spend from time to time to get max cap on my 3 accounts. I play this game to have fun and enjoy the players around me who been with them for years. Having a chance to buy charms and help my clan on wars will be my incentive to stay on the game until it becomes GAW. I would hope this game would last another 10 years or more. By making extra money from selling charms would be a great way to improve the game. Charms will not interfere with mobility and xtals sells. This only add to the revenue. I hope this will be implemented very soon. Thank you devs also thank you for lowering the cap of charms on Christmas. Sorry I just read it on forum today.
  2. Stop bumping a thread just because no one on this app A. Respects anything that comes out of your mouth. B. You don't have any real solution other than "let me spend more money please". C. You don't even remotely understand the actual underlying problems plaguing the game.
    Warlord_Tribute and BotRyu like this.
  3. devs didnt lower cap on christmas, you read an old forum post
  4. You just gonna keep making a new forum every couple days? No support at all. Last things devs and the company need to be doing is spending time and money implementing this. There is more important stuff to focus on. You all act like ata is this huge company. While meanwhile they are a small/medium company.
    Lord2Gunz and Warlord_Tribute like this.
  5. Also just to add. If you really liked kaw as much as you say. You wouldn't be pushing for charms on the market place. As that's not actually that beneficial.

    How about adding different currency options, so those in Canada and Britain have more spending power. That alone would generate hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

    As currently, those in Canada have to pay for everything in USD, not Canadian. Crippling our spending power and preventing a good chunk of players from paying into the game ✌️ I can't speak of British people and what they pay but I'm sure it's probably USD also
    Warlord_Tribute likes this.
  6. Oh I am sorry I thought they changed the cap. I guess they need to lower the cap again soon.
  7. I understand your concern about the exchange rate. If you can open bank account on US dollar you should be able to save some. I am not naive person I know where to buy charms from third party app. I just don't see it's benefits to the game by supporting them. I would rather spend my money to buy charms from ATA. This way ATA get extra money to improve the game. Also by selling charms on the store. Any new player have a way to grow and have access to charms. If you are a new player you wouldnt want to buy charms from third party apps. It's scary someone might just take your money and and don't give you a the charms you supposedly bought.
  8. Business rule 101 to make money you need to spend money. This request have huge potential of huge profit for ATA.
  9. ATA don't need your money. Just do trading to get more charms. Maybe ATA don't want you get stronger because you are very distractive to the community.
  10. They aren’t gonna implement anything here that they didn’t do in PIMD first, if it’s successful in PIMD they will copy paste it here
    Warlord_Tribute and Bunny like this.
  11. Devs need to lower the cap. The cap is ridiculous. The issue is charms all together. Charms made the game pay to play. And the money isn’t going to the devs, it’s going to black market sellers. They implemented something that pushes people away and makes them lose money. Even if they put charms in the store, I’m sure the black market would be cheaper….
    They just put plates in store, which I actually support. But the price is too much for the amount. 100$ for 250 pallumen. 250 pallumen is barely any upgrades for decent size players. Seeing this Trend, if devs put charms in store… they would over price them. Another example is the “new” mithril eqp. The price is 4,000 mithril. Ridiculously expensive for stats that are the same as free event equipment. Barely anybody bought the equipment… I bought one and I regret it.