Locking Plate Drops to Accounts

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by hippy, Jan 16, 2025.

  1. Alternate accounts (alts) are a massively lucrative gold income source, so much so that it's inefficient for me to buy and run health crystals on premium ebs. The gold comes primarily from dropping fatesands and pallumen buildings built from plate drops. Other gold sources are negligible. My solution is to change building drops - instead of getting gold, dropping buildings will generate trader's tokens. This will lock all gold gains from plates to each account, significantly reducing the gold gains alts can generate.

    How much gold can alts generate?

    Over the last year hitting 60k event items on 9 alternate accounts, ive generated around 2000Q gold - which would be the equivalent of running 60 solo Hexavia the Illunminated on black friday. The nobility and health crystal cost saved (assuming 100 usd 2k nob deal only) is roughly 4000 USD for running 9 alts

    Other benefits:
    Significantly reducing power of automated alts - this change will cripple gold gains made by bots hitting 60k
    Allowing buffs that benefit new players with less fear of abuse

    Edit: had useful comment pointing out building drops contribute to opening lands - traders tokens should be usable to open lands (and do other things that help growth)
    #1 hippy, Jan 16, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2025
    Grim likes this.
  2. What would be the point of dropping buildings then? Trader tokens are only used to get Aqua Inferno or more plates. So unless it’s a significant amount of Trader tokens, it’s not worth dropping the building. I have it’s too many Trader tokens then growing will be even faster making more alts higher tier and making an army of alts that are decent size in little time
    Painful_Hunger likes this.
  3. I like where your head is, but I just see it being abused in other ways
  4. traders tokens can be sure used to upgrade pallumen buildings

    there was also an idea to allow lands to be unlockable via traders tokens
  5. Support that’s a fantastic idea
  6. It's a good idea. I won't dispute that. But I want to voice how I think this will be detrimental to those without 10 accounts or even a lot of free time.

    For example. It takes me around 1000-2000 noth/goth to earn just one q. I make around 608-1 trillion. Per eb. That 1t being hourly unloads on the dot, and around 3-5 unloads per eb.

    Without being able to drop my buildings for gold. I would never be able to progress pal or TT lands. When I say never, I mean within a reasonable amount of time. It's already bad enough to get money as a honest player.

    I feel removing the gold earned would cause a lot of people to just quit. Because there isn't ever any growth..... Plus it's impossible to compete with other people. Because you'll never have the gold for new lands, allies or banking or even mithril for wars....

    So sure. You removing the gold and giving me tokens is awesome. I get higher level buildings! Yippie! But I'll never get that 10th pal land or that 5tt land (for example).

    Plus even in that system(without dropped gold) Your just making it a pure p2p. That's the only way you could get 100t or whatever is by doing a train or premium ebs on promo time. If not your stuck to maybe making 1t off a eb.

    I do agree something has to be done but removing the gold from dropping isn't the way to do it. this being my opinion.
  7. While I agree alts farming gold is a big issue, especially for the people running bots in osw clans. I find it quite ripe you just did what you want removed. It seems like you’re saying this from our perspective “I just greatly benefited from this mechanic and now I want it removed so others can’t use it either. Good thing I already did it and benefited from it.” This is the same energy you had when you advocated for locked Allie rosters during ASW right after you abused it and unbanked like 400Q to make the match better for yourself. If you’re gonna bring ideas to the community, which I support, don’t abuse them first and then decide to act like your helping the community.
  8. I would be a fan for something like this however it makes it impossible to drop buildings to grow TT buildings or to push lands at that point, which I think would become impossible for any low account or new players to grow. How long does it take a small account to get 1Q without dropping buildings? Or 10q+ in Pal lands? These are crazy high numbers of gold to ask a casual or new player to aim for. Most of the playerbase is doing content that is near-end game [Noth/Goth] and with stat requirements, so I feel a change this drastic would shift things away from being inviting and welcoming to the new player experience to daunting and too grindy for casual mobile players.
  10. Ban trading, this will stop bots and alts even more. I know that's a wild ask lol, but in time, maybe for the better.
    _Sinan_ and Hebrews like this.
  11. game would die
  12. Yes, after you gain 2000Q let’s conveniently remove dropping buildings so no one else can benefit. Need a better solution, this would be scamming the entire player base
  13. I see you updated the forum to include using trader tokens for land purchases. Again your missing the big point. You leaderboard guys are so out of touch with us non lb players its insane.

    So I'll try again. If you remove the gold from buildings dropped and lets say you add the ability to purchase lands for trader tokens. Ok that's half the battle solved. What about allies, banking, mithril for wars, pots, etc?????!?!

    That is how most small account gets their gold for that stuff, is by dropping buildings. You are literally asking to remove a mechanism that is needed for us to even try to catch up with you leaderboard people.

    The biggest reason being allies and banking. If you remove the ability to get gold from buildings dropped. Us non leaderboard will never be able to compete. Not when so many people already have multiple quadrillions in allies.

    Also banking, at any moment in time you could be stripped. There is alot of 🤡 trolls here in kaw. That abuse and bully on the smaller players and non lb players.
    So how in this system without dropped gold from buildings. How am I ever supposed to bank?

    I think you big leaderboard guys should make a alt with no charms/gold transfered. Play the game like normal people do and you'll realize how tough it is already to get gold, that includes no hopping and buying excessive amount of crystals either, no alts either for that account.

    Also another point. By removing gold earned the black market will grow to crazy popularity. Why would I spent 100$ for nobs and make 100 trillion of premium ebs, when I can buy the gold with money and get more gold , than I ever would from ebs (even premium ebs)

    Also I want to add another point. This game is played by Canadians and other countries. I don't know where you are getting this 100$ for 2k nob deal. When I've been playing for almost a year and never ever ever have seen that deal. I've never had a big nob deal offered. The best deal I got was black Friday. When I payed 260$ Canadian for 2250 nobs and bought seals half price.
    #13 Painful_Hunger, Jan 17, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2025
  14. just to address one of the points, the 'black market' is already popular because this is a thing. hippy's proposition would change the dynamics of it significantly.

    but yea overall im on ur side
    lIlIl_-_Soup_-_IlIlIl likes this.
  15. Yes you are right in the black market is already popular. What I was trying to say is that about 80% of kaw players I met as a small fish. They don't bot or cheat. They would rather do it right. I can see how removing gold from dropped buildings. Turn that 80% of honest players to 40% that IVE met (for example). That's not the include the kaw players I have not met.
  16. Game was at its best prior to this
  17. doesnt matter, it would die
  18. Good idea, but Im afraid the horse has already left the barn on this one. If its nerfed, future players will have zero to no chance of catching those who have already used it.
    Hebrews and Starter-SharK like this.
  19. I can't support something you already abused and now want to get rid of. You probably used it to unlock every land and get lcbc on your main. And now after you finished build you want to get rid of it so others can't use it like you did.
    Hebrews likes this.
  20. i dont see why my how my personal activites have anything to do with the quality of the idea.

    For the record, it would be quite bad for my main if this idea went through. I would lose a massive income stream, and would be forced to buy nobility to maintain my ally lb spot

    If you feel so strongly about letting my money printer continue, that's completely fine with me