Starter Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Starter-SharK, Jan 13, 2025.

  1. ................IN PROGRESS..............

    This forum is for brand new or returning players. Start at the beginning or find where you left off. ( January 2025)

    The home-screen

    • Allies
    • Kingdom
    • Market / (Marketplace for apple)
    • Clan
    • Battle
    • Legends / ( The 🐦‍⬛raven on a tree branch for apple)
    • Competitions / ( warrior dude above the raven on apple)
    • Your banner in the middle
    • Your username - click and it pulls up your profile / My profile for apple
    From scratch \/

    1. Starting off we need you to go to your kingdom and buy 2 workshops.
    2. After you bought workshops go back to home-screen in game and go to battle . There is a battle section and next to it is a quest section. | Battle | Quests |
    3. On the quests section your going to tap the battle on the quest, till quest is at 100% . You want to finish the first three quests then u should have enough gold. After you complete the quests new quests pop up for you later.
    4. Go back to home-screen and go to Kingdom section. If you have enough gold you can buy 4 guilds and 5 workshops to start you off.
    5. Your going to next tap on your username - { username12069 }
    6. Above your banner and it will take you to your profile. (Apple is My profile)
    7. Scroll past the { Building Stats } section to { Ally Bonuses } section.In the Ally Bonuses you can see
    • hire value in gold { 🪙 12,000 }
    • Your owner : -Kevin_420-
    • Attack bonus to allies: +1,500
    • Defense bonus to allies: +1,500
    • Spy attack bonus to allies: +600
    • Spy defense bonus to allies: +600
    Above are your raw stats to see how strong you are. Your raw strength is attack: +1,500 / Defence: +1,500 / Spy attack : +600 / spy defense +600
    1. Go back to the home-screen .
    2. Go to battle
    3. Click on a banner or name then scroll down to | Player Info |
    4. At player info you can see the players stats { You will see 2 attacks and two defenses }
    • 🛡️ Attack +1,000 👾 Attack +300
    • 🛡️ Defense +1000 👾Defense +300
    These are other players raw stats. 🛡️ The shield symbol is the attack power and defense of said player. And the spy 👾 other section is spies attack and spy defense of said player.
    1. If the player is smaller attack defense than your attack you can attack them. Or vise versa if the players spy defense is smaller than your Spy attack you can attack them.
    2. Your going to complete a legend by attacking a player smaller than you 5 times.
    3. Legend give rewards ( andriod it's legends and apple is a raven looking thing on the right side of home-screen)
    4. After you attack them 5 times go back to home-screen.
    5. Click on Legends and scroll down to your completed legend and click on it then collect the rewards {10 silver bars}
    6. You next want to go to the market. There will be 2 sections at the very top | ⚜️The Oracle | 🥈Alchemist|
    7. Click on the Oracle and look at the sections Under The Oracle Offers-
    • 🪙 1,000,000 for 👑 15 points
    • A fully army/ spy Regen for 👑 10 points
    • A fully army/ spy Regen for 💎 1 crystal
    • A Name change for 👑 20 points
    Underneath u can buy 👑 nobility points, but alot of people are free to play and it's not necessarily needed.
    1. Click on the accept button to the right of A fully army/ spy Regen for 💎 1 crystal
    You get 💎 10 free health crystals when you start, so your not using $. Also you get 💎3 free health crystals every week
    1. After you clicked accept for 💎 1 health crystal your going to go back the the home-screen
    2. Click on Legends and you can scroll down and collect another legend. { 25 silver bars / 5 trader tokens/ 2 pal crest fragments}
    3. After you have collected the rewards go to home-screen
    4. go to Market
    5. scroll down to { trader token bundles section}
    6. click on the first lowland crestplate bundle 1 trader token for 100 lowland crestplates .
    7. Buy 5 of them ( this will give you 500 lowland crestplates)
    Go back to home-screen . Go to Kingdom. Your going to sell everything in your lowland kingdom but the Castle.

    1. Use 10 crestplates each time.
    2. Build 12 - Circle of Elements
    3. Build 12 - Stronghold of shadows.
    4. Upgrade to lvl 2 ( 15 crestplates each)
    5. 8 - stronghold of shadows to lvl 2
    6. 9 - Circles of Elements to lvl 2
    Next we are going to join a clan! Go to the home-screen go to Clans. In the clan tab you can see 3 bubbles near the bottom ( Search ) ( clan events ) (new clans). Click on ( Clan events).
    • In clan events there is tiers of epic battles. { Epic battles are pve monsters that you attack/ assinated/ steal/ scout/ use items }
    • These are the tiers first 2 tiers.
    Tier 1 Pig monsters
    •Cover Of Night
    •Kingdom Assault
    •To The Chamber
    •The Depraved

    Tier 2 Squid monsters
    •The Awakening
    •The Despair
    •The Forgotten Ones
    •The Reckoning

    When starting out after you clicked Clan events look for a clan running one of these ebs. Most starter clans run the first 2 tiers. Or look for the monster names { Battle Royale} / { Haunting }.
    Click on the clan name then it will pull up the clans info, look for the join button near the clan name.
    1. After you join clan wait for a accept. If you don't get accepted within 1 hr try a different clan.
    2. After your in a clan go back to the home-screen if you haven't already.
    3. On the home-screen where you used to see your banner in the middle of the screen should be a monster.
    4. You can attack the monster or assassinate usually. If not on the very bottom of the screen is a yellow chat bubble 💬. ( Blue chat bubble💬 at bottom right if on Apple )
    5. In the chat section at the top of your screen you should see ( World / Clan / Allies )
    6. On the clan tab within the chat bubble you can read clan chat . Usually someone puts what to use on the bar if it's an item. Or they will put what action to do { attack/assassinate/ steal/ scout }
    #1 Starter-SharK, Jan 13, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2025
  2. ☝️Continuing on ☝️

    1. After you hit the epic battle 15 times you can collect another Legend. Do this before fully using all attack/ spy energy.
    2. After you collected reward , If you did the 15 attacks on legend you get another legend that says attack/ assassinate 25 times on any epic battle.
    3. If you used your attack bar to complete the 15 actions on an epic battle. You can use a full bar of spies to assassinate which will complete the 25 assassinations on a epic battle.
    4. Be sure to collect rewards from legends or the next legend won't pop up.
    5. The next legend after completing the 25 actions is complete a epic battle
    6. When the epic battle is over you get reward in Legends which is a free box/ event Royale.
    To open the box/ event royal . You need to go back to home-screen .
    1. From the home-screen go to your profile ( click on your username above your banner or the monster/ epic battle )
    2. Scroll to the section the says { Showcase } - it's right below clan info on your profile.
    3. Click on the view button and it should pop up with all your showcase items. If you completed the Legends above you should see a box/ royal pop up in your showcase.
    4. If you have 2 click on the one without a yellow glow. It should take 🪙 1,000 .
    5. Open your box for 🪙 1,000 it should give you at least blank amount of event items for the main legend quest.
    6. You have a chance to get furnishings / rare items that can be used in epic battles/ or trader tokens!
    7. Trader tokens are the most valuable thing to get when small, and you only get them by - royals or completing Legends.
    8. The main legend quest is - gather 500 Event Items ( Comander Brannyn - Legend) .
    9. To gather 500 event items you need to complete epic battles and open royals daily. ( You get 2 event royals daily by completing two legends the legends names are - ( Maaku the cat legend, and The Mage the wizard legend)
    Now you know how to complete the daily legends, join a clan, do daily epic battles, view your profile, and open boxes/ event royals.
    • You need to buy allies to get { Max plunder } .
    • When hitting a epic battle if you don't have max plunder, you make less 🪙gold when using your attack / steal on the eb.
    • 🪙15 Billion per your 1mcs
    • 🪙15 Trillion per your 1bcs
    • To get Max plunder ^
    Continuing on ✓
    1. After a few days of completing the daily royal legends. And maybe be able to complete the 500 main event items legend.
    2. You should have some trader tokens. If you followed the guide up to this point.
    3. You can buy 6 more of the lowland crestplates bundle ( 600 lowland crestplates) with 6 trader tokens.
    4. Then go to Kingdom , and upgrade the rest of your lowland buildings to max lv3.
    5. The next most important thing when starting off are Silver Bars .
    6. Go to Marketplace and scroll down to the section - { Misc near the bottom of the market } - first row of Misc Section should be Silver Bars.
    7. Your going to sell off all your silver bars which should give you a decent amount of 🪙 gold.
    8. With said 🪙 gold your going to upgrade your lowland castle to Max.
    9. The Rest of you gold you want to buy 15 highlands . In this game it's best to only buy minimum amount of lands before you move onto the next section of lands.
    ( Highland section is already unlocked ) If your on android you will see 1 bubbles at the bottom of the screen while in your Kingdom while on lowlands Click on the exploreland and this will open up your highlands. All lands are grey, so you need to click on a land and it will pull up a 🪙 gold amount needed to buy. Pay the 🪙 gold amount to unlock.
    If you are on 🍎 Apple don't worry you highlands will be the explore arrow at the top left you will follow the same directions as the android directions on buying land.
    1. You don't have enough 🪙gold to buy all 15 highlands. (Skip to #.4 below)
    2. After you bought 15 highlands, you can build 14 of your choice buildings on Highlands.
    3. Leave the last land open for now.
    4. Go back to your Profile and check your showcase. If you get a decent amount of trader tokens from free royals and doing legends.
    5. You can use 100 trader tokens and to buy 20 of the Highland Cresplate Buddle. ( It costs 5 trader tokens for 100 highland crestplates so you will get 2,000 highland Crestplates.)
    6. With your 2,000 highland crestplates you want to go back to your kingdom
    7. Go to Highlands and on that 15th or any free highland your going to build a attack building called- Clairmont Cathedral , Or build the spy attack building called- Novgoravian Mercenary Camp.
    8. It doesn't nesarily matter which you build , but it's going to take 2,000 highland crestplates.
    9. You are going to use this building to farm 🪙gold. Everytime you get 100 trader tokens buy 20 highland trader tokens bundle. Your going to sell the new highland building and it's going to give you 🪙 4,000,000,000,000
    10. You can now build back that highland with 2,000 more highland crestplates.
    11. ( Note you can't sell buildings when in epic battle )
    12. With this 4 trillion - 🪙 gold your going to start buying more lands.
    If your on Android , when you unlock 15 highlands the next set of lands are (Hoarsfrost winter Lands )
    -They should pop up to explore ( bubble ) on the bottom of your screen near your other previous land. There will always be the same two bubbles ( go back/ explore )
    - Note : If you haven't unlocked enough lands the explore bubble will not pop up .
    if your on 🍎 Apple while in Kingdom
    - On Lowlands it will pop up Explore ↙️arrow on the bottom left corner of screen.
    When you do unlock lands ( On 🍎apple )
    • Left top Highlands |↖️|
    • Left bottom Hoarsfrost |↙️|
    • Right top Abyss |↗️|
    • Right bottom Osman Rai |↘️|
    • Middle top Deepmine |⬆️|
    • Right mid Fatesands |➡️|
    • Left middle Pallumen |⬅️|
    • Bottom middle Time Tangle|⬇️|
    Your goal is to keep getting the new 2,000 highland crestplates building and selling it to explore more lands.

    👇Next 👇
    #2 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2025
    poTaYto likes this.
  3. ☝️ Continuing on☝️

    1. Lowlands all explored and Highlands can be explored.
    2. 15 Highland lands explored opens - Hoarsfrost lands - 🪙345 B
    3. 15 Hoarsfrost lands explored opens - Abyss and Osmain Rai Lands - 🪙555 B
    4. 15 Osmain Rai Lands explored opens - Deepmines - 🪙11T
    5. 10 Deepmine Lands explored opens - Fatesands Lands - 🪙92.2T
    6. 15 Fatesands Lands explored opens - Pallumen Lands - 🪙430T
    7. 10 Pallumen Lands explored opens Time Tangle Lands - 🪙16.9Q
    • When you get far enough along in the main Legend it will give you equipment.
    1. You can equip it on your Profile. In the equipment section .( Equipment makes you stronger when hitting pvp or pve)
    2. All equipment not used can be transmuted into charms
    3. Go to the mage- should pop up by the almechmist and Oracle tabs at top of market. ( Lvl3 castle to unlock mage)
    4. If on 🍎Apple you can swipe to the left anywhere on screen to bring up transmuting.
    5. If on Android you have to swipe to the left, - near the top - above the ( convert aqua / inferno tabs) .
    6. It will bring up all equipment that can be transmuted, u click the equipment piece and hold transmute button in the center of circle. ⭕
    • If you get furnishings out of a free event royal / box.
    1. You need to go to your Profile - Then go to the Furnishings tab section.
    2. If your on android you will have to open every spot , and tap on the Owned tab. To view if it's in that spot.
    3. If your on apple, it should highlight in red🍎 the spot you got it on.
    After you hit 2,500 ish main event items there's going to be a a new side Legend that will pop up. It will give you 3 choices. Easy / Medium/ Hard. If your already to deepmines/ Fatesands lands - Always do Hard first. If your not to Deepmines yet , do easy first.

    When you get to the deepmine land section - these are the steps you want to take.
    1. Have atleast 🪙60 billion gold before the next step.
    2. Sell off 2 - lvl 1 new highland buildings. ( The one that costs 2,000 highland plates.)
    3. With 🪙8.06 trillion gold your going to buy the first land of deepmine 🪙 850 billion gold and then buy the next land 🪙 1.2 trillion gold for a total 🪙 2.05 trillion.
    4. Build - 2 deepmine buildings using your 🪙6 trillion gold left . ( Preferably 1 Gobblyn Ha' and 1 Brakmire Village )
    5. Your going to keep buying 2,000 highland plates - Buying the new 2,000 highland crestplate building then selling for 🪙gold. This is the Fastest way to get 🪙gold when starting out + selling silver bars.
    6. Continue to explore up to the 15 deepmine lands and building a lvl 1 - 🪙3T building on the ones you explore.
    Note : it's your choice if you want to start building buildings on the other lands/ exploring the lands before deepmine but it's fastest to only do the minimum so your not wasting 🪙gold)
    Note - it's no longer better to spend the 1200 trader tokens for the 100 deepmine plates)
    - 1200 trader tokens for a lvl 4 deepmine build sells for 13.3t
    - 300 trader tokens for 3 - lvl 1 (6,000 highland plates) - sells for 12t
    Once you hit deepmine the ammount of event items that drop on ebs are almost double.
    Open up to 15 deepmine lands only putting 15 - lvl 1 - 🪙3t buildings on.
    When you finish the 15 deepmine lands exploring you will then get to fatesands.
    Note : You can see how many crestplates you have by going to Your profile and scrolling down to | Building Tokens | - section .
    1. Join a noth and goth clan if you are around ( 50 mcs+ )
    2. Do the hard side quest if you complete 12.5k side legend you get 100 deepmine plates and 100 fatesand plates
    3. 1 - Lvl 4 deepmine building - 100 deepmine plates- adds 27mcs raw stats
    4. Only go to lvl 4 on deepmine for stats temporary , until you have all deepmine lands explored. ( This will save you deepmine plates, or you can drop a lvl 4 building for 🪙13.3t and rebuild it for 100 deepmine plates if you stack up enough deepmine plates)
    5. When you get to fatesands only go to lvl 5 for Fatesand buildings starting out for stats.
    6. Explore 3 fatesand lands - 🪙8.5T
    7. 1 Lvl 5 Fatesand building - 48 fatesand plates - 200mcs raw stats
    8. If you finished a hard quest by now you want to build 2 - lvl 5 fs buildings.
    9. If you get 200 fatesand plates build a lvl 8 on the 3rd open land.
    10. Sell it off for 🪙930T
    11. With said 🪙930T explore as many Fatesand Lands as possible.
    12. When you get more Fatesand plates keep going to lvl 5 on all Fatesand Lands - 48 fatesand plates each.
    13. If you need 🪙gold to Explore lands do the lvl 8 - 200 Fatesand plates - sell off building for 🪙930T
    14. You can choose now to start exploring all old lands Completely if you wish.
    15. Use crestplates from side and main Legends to upgrade or buy buildings for all old lands.
    16. Use Trader tokens to get all new 2,000 highland crestplate lvl 1 buildings to lvl 5.
    #3 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  4. ☝️Continuing on ☝️

    • As you complete more hard side Legends you get more fatesand / deepmine plates.
    • After you explored 20 Fatesands Lands , start exploring about 3 pal lands.
    • The first Pallumen land get the building to lvl 8, from here on only go to lvl 5 on Pallumen Buildings.
    • For stats it's best to go to lvl 5 on Pallumen Buildings.
    • If you get a lot of Pallumen plates, at lvl 8 a pal sells for 6q - 200 Pallumen plates to get to lvl 8.
    • Don't move onto TimeTangle lands until you have a lot of Time Tangle plates.
    (Note: hopping increases chance of pal plates. The more mb-mainbars you hop of noth/goth the more pal plates you will get.
    Estoc Edge - (winning wars) - increases chance of getting pal plates. If you get estoc edge and hop goth/noth your likely to get A LOT of pal plates.
    Also premium ebs have chance of dropping pal plates
    You can hop onto a htr train/ nk train
    {Htr/ nk are premium paid for ebs} it's the best bang for your buck. If your buying premium items. {nk - 10 Seals to open / Htr - 35 chimes to open} { In a train u will only have to drop 1 premium item }
    Or the kaw website store now sells Palum/ Fatesand plates.

    Once you hit 4bcs start hopping main bar ads on world chat. The lower the main bar - 70% or lower the better.
    {Note : To get full items off a eb full unloads are best- use all troops🛡️ and spies😈. Every Hr your troops🛡️/ spies😈 are full or you can use a free xtal 💎. If you don't have max plunder you will not get max event items off ebs also. }
    Be careful when hopping , some clans require 8bcs+ charms and 50hits+ or etc.
    Need4Speed - is a great clan to go join for fast ebs. They usually run 1 hr ebs and only require 1bcs+ charms and 50 hits+ a eb.
    • If you have 23+ Fatesand Lands all unlocked lvl 5 . Work on going for lvl 8.
    • If you have all lvl 8 - work on doing Fatesand build drops at lvl 8 to get as much Pallumen Lands Explored.
    • You can also sell off 3 or 4 - lvl 8 Fatesand builds for 🪙2.79q / 🪙3.72q
    • With the 🪙gold - upgrade all Osmain Rai buildings to lvl 20.
    • If your only lvl 1 Osmain Rai buildings this will be at least 🪙3q for all lvl 20.
    I think that's as much information as is, needed from here you can do as you wish 😁🌟 Obviously you don't have to follow every step by step but it gives you a good direction to Go! Good luck and happy plate Hunting!
    #4 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  5. --- ALL Deepmine Land Costs ---
    #5 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  6. ---- All Fatesand Land Costs ----
    #6 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  7. ---- All Pallumen Land Costs ----
    #7 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  8. --- All Time Tangle Lands Cost ---
    #8 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  9. --- Osmain Rai Stats Only lvl 10/15/20---
    #9 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  10. ----- Deepmine Buildings Stats -----
    #10 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  11. ------Pullemen Lands Stats------
    #11 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  12. ----- Time Tangle Building Stats -----
    #12 Starter-SharK, Jan 15, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
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  18. Although there is alot of other starter guides, I love the direction your taking with it all being point form and up front. Support!
    Starter-SharK likes this.
  19. Really good guide :)🔥 Great work helping smalls understand :D