The Emerald Awakening Deep beneath the Emerald Spine Mountains, ancient dwarven forges stir to life, but with them awakens a legendary emerald guardian. Gather your forces, master powerful weapons, and craft legendary gear to rise victorious! Will you master the dwarven forge and claim its power? This event consists of a primary Legend and an extra Legend available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed. Regularly scheduled competitions will also run for the duration of the event. This event will be available from Wednesday, Jan 8th until Wednesday, Jan 22nd, 2025 at 11:00am PT. Special Attention! You may have noticed that for a short period, rewards from this event (The Emerald Awakening) were able to be claimed during the last event (Rise of the Snow Legions). This was fixed BUT if you were able to claim equipment for The Emerald Awakening in one of these rewards, it needs to be transmuted at The Mage in order to be able to claim and receive this event’s rewards! If you do not do this *before* trying to claim the same rewards from this event, it will not work and you will not be able to progress further through The Emerald Awakening legends! Competitions For the duration of The Emerald Awakening, there will be a PVE and PVP competition running alongside Daily Duties. The first PVE Competition instance starts at 1:00pm Pacific Time, and the first PVP Competition starts at 5:00pm Pacific Time. Each instance will last 4 hours and as soon as one competition instance ends, another will begin. Exclusive Furnishings Furnishings exclusive to The Emerald Awakening will be available in the Furnishings Shop, as well as the Durnkhaz’Zhen Chest and Royal Durnkhaz’Zhen Chests. Last Chance to become Shadowlord The Throne Room for the Shadowlord's Pyre Set is leaving soon to make space for the Workshop! Don't miss your chance to collect and complete this exclusive furnishing set! The Workshop will be available in our Web Store from Jan 8th, 2025 at 11am to Feb 5th, 2025 at 11am PT! Missed this release? Check out our forum post for the latest details! Please click here to view. 🏹INCOMING!🏹 Watch out there are . . . NEW DEALS!🎁 During The Emerald Awakening, the Royal Bundles available to purchase in the Marketplace for each event will also be purchasable as a single large bundle in our web store! Head to the webstore for your FREE Chests and new deals appearing weekly!
This game is has been officially titled as Kingdoms with Furniture. Everything is about furniture when it comes to events and releases. Where is PvP events at? Where is PvP based MAIN legends. Everything is about hitting ebs and collecting furn. WC is over run with people whose main goal on the game is to sell furn to people way overpriced. Furn this, furn that.. it gets old. Not to mention the people who use bots to collect massive amounts of furn and sell them in bulk!! You made a random special furn set that you want people to buy for $.. but all the $ is going to the bot controllers on the black market. It’s sickening.
Regarding equipment it would be nice if you put a picture Of the equipment or explained how we were getting this equipment and so forth it’s very vague what you’ve provided above
Typical ATA, simple request by players to provide more information about the equipment referred to, but complete silence. Horrendous.
It's the first two pieces of equipment that you get. Either the Warden's Spar or Bronzeplate of Beginnings I think, will double check when I can and confirm.
are you not able to now claim the rewards as you normally would? If not then support will be your best option