⚔️ ATA Cinematic Universe Contest! ⚔️

Discussion in 'Events' started by kaw_admin, Aug 26, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    ⚔️ Rally Your Forces for the ATA Cinematic Universe Contest! ⚔️

    The realms tremble as ancient portals awaken, and the call to arms echoes across kingdoms! From September 9th to 18th, warriors, strategists, and creatives alike are summoned to enter the legendary ATA Cinematic Universe, where only the bravest imaginations can thrive.

    Your quest? Forge a masterpiece—be it an epic drawing, a tale of valor, or a work of art—that unites two or more of your favourite ATA games into a single, breathtaking new world!

    Will you craft a saga of heroes clashing in titanic battles, or perhaps weave a tale of unexpected alliances forged in the heat of battle—or love? The canvas is yours, and the fate of these realms lies in your hands.


    What is the theme of the competition?
    An A Thinking Ape Crossover! Your submission must include at least two ATA characters from two different ATA games for a valid entry.

    What is the deadline for submissions?
    September 18th at 12pm (PT)

    How do I submit my artwork?
    You can submit your work through the comment section of this forum post!

    What formats are acceptable for submissions?
    Drawings, Paintings, Fanfics, Songs, Crochets, anything your creative mind can think of!

    Can I submit multiple entries?
    Each player gets one entry!

    How many winners will there be?
    There will be 5 winners!

    How will the winners be notified?
    Winners will be announced through this forum post on September 20th at 12pm (PT)!

    When and how will the prizes be distributed?
    Prizes will sent to the reward inbox after the winners have been announced at the bottom of this post!

    What are the prizes for the competition?
    1000 x Silver Bar
    1 x KAW's Reliquary


    Posting to the Forum

    Finally, if you want to post your own picture/video but you're not sure how, here are some quick steps!

    ✩ Download Imgur.
    ✩ Pick your file to post.
    ✩ Hold down onto the file until a bar pops up.
    ✩ Press the Copy Post Link button.
    ✩ Press the landscape button.
    ✩ Paste your link and press "Insert".

    This is your moment to stand in the enchanted spotlight, to create a legend that will be remembered for all time! 🎉

    Let the banners fly high, and may the crossover chaos commence! 🌟





    Thank you to all the players who participated in this contest! Your prizes will be sent to your accounts shortly! <3

    #1 kaw_admin, Aug 26, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
  2. This post shows how out of touch you are with the community. 2,000 Silver bars? That’s literally not even worth 1/10 of a penny. It’s MINDBLOWING how out of touch you are with the game YOU run. It’s insulting as well. I’m not spending another penny on this game.
  3. I’m good with, 2,000 silver bars for artworks, I’m all in. Love this game
  4. Can the ATA “Characters be players? Or do they have to be one of the environment characters?

    because, be be completely honest with y’all, these games exist because of the social aspect and a story that includes player instead of NPCs is something that would be more fun to do.

  5. Yeah. These rewards are bad. May have been good before the Abyss lands were released but are not worth even considering effort.
    Hebrews likes this.
  6. 2,000 Silver Bars? Who would go out of their way to make KaW art for a company that is so out of touch with their players needs. Especially when they have chosen back to back to not listen to us. Majority of players Need around 1,000,000 to 8,000,000 silver bars for their next land. The reward is 2,000. It’s like a joke at this point.
  7. Don’t forget Me

    Ash filled the mouth of Queen Arkosa. The edges of her vision is blurred as black specks float across her vision. She attempts to push herself up but pain lances through her arms and down her back. She falls back to the ground.

    “I thought you were tough” a voice says from behind her.

    Arkosa lifts and rolls, ignoring the blinding pain shooting down her body. She spins towards the voice as she grabs for a sword.. her sword.. her shield are gone, knife. One should always carry a knife, there it is, tucked away in her boot, she pulls it as she gets a look at the person behind the voice.

    It came from a woman with dirty blonde hair, dressed in a stained and dirty blue outfit. She wore a gray hat with a winged insignia pin in the middle of it. Smiling she had some sort of metal device in her hand, the end of it pointing at Arkosa.

    “Please put up a fight. It’s been too long since I was allowed unload on someone.”

    Queen Arkosa hesitated. Looking at the environment. A barren wasteland full of ash as rust. Along the wall of a collapesed building was a poster. One of a woman sitting on a metal cylinder…


    The woman glanced at it with a smile. “I use to be called the Bombshell babe and Lady Bombshell. But then my world ended and now I am here.”

    Queen Arkosa. “Where is here?”

    “The Abandoned Realms.” Bombshell says. “There are a few like it, but this is all ours”


    Loud bangs and pops sound out in the distance. It sounds like a fights but Queen Arkosa struggles to place what sort of magic is being used.

    “We should take a walk. What is left of the gangs out here are still at war. As soon as the Meego’s fell into this world, they started to hunt them. Me and my fellow patriots joined in the fight to protect the Meegos.. but honestly we were more into the battle for the fight of it.. but as the years go on we lose more Patriots to being forgotten than we do to actual battle.”

    A pain in Queen Arkosa chest rises at that.. memories of old friends who turned a new life after given up hope on fighting for a future there. So many friends moving on, many now gone forever, the times between each goodbye growing longer and longer until one day she realizes she may have said goodbye for the last time…

    Will she ever get to see those she loved and laughed with again. Those she fought and cried with.. her eyes started to burn but this was not the place to cry.

    “Why am I here?”

    “To show you what could be.” Lady Bombshell says. “To be honest we thought you would be here years ago but you keep grinding away. Follow me”

    They walk through towards a decorated city. What was left of buildings now lying in crumbles of concrete and splintered wood. A yellow and red.. object stands out amongst all the gray and brown. Queen Arkosa looks at the with a slight tilt of her head.

    “A perfect drifting cars.. or was. Sadly their tires were removed to make armor. Same with the doors.. and we use all the fuel for war machines… these are the last two.. I wonder if anyone will remember them past today.”

    “I am still confused as to why I am here? What control do I have over any of this? Is there a mission I can do? An event I can help lead, a war I can fight?”

    “Nope. Just.” She turns arounds and gives a small smile. “Just a memory you can keep. I don’t know how to stop you from ending up here. I feel like in the end we all find ourselves in this place. Tired, and on the very breach of being forgotten.. and that’s okay. We have to remember to live. And to love every moment we can with those that matter to us. You’re here as one last hoo-rah from us so that we don’t lay forgotten.”

    Queen Arkosa notices movement from behind Lady Bombshell. Covered in dirt and caked blood, and letter faded and gray from the raining ash were remnants of what was. A towering ape, leaning on a green dragon like creature.. Near them were people in loose clothings, metal wands like the one Bombshell carried, and different colored cloth tired around their face. Many had tattoos and scars. Smaller than all were square shaped creatures hiding in the rumble. They seemed wearied and exhausted.

    Lady Bombshell. “There were some more but they are either forgotten completely or in hiding, choosing to be in peace in these final days. Soon you will return to your realm, the very center of everything that we were once a part of, and you can choose then how you will be remembered.”

    “How I want to be remembered…” Queen Arkosa “There always seems to be more than just me to be remembered and to be loved. How do I save everyone? How do I..”

    “Silly,” Lady Bombshell says. The ash under her eyes darkening as her eyes become wet. “It takes more than one to be remembered. Now go back and do something we can all remember forever.” Then with a sad smile she ads, “And don’t forget me.”

    Lady bombshell raised her metal device up and points it at Queen Arkosa and then she hears a loud crack. A burning sensation followed by a blinding light fills her head. Then the pain goes away. Already in her arm is a shield. Already in her hand is her sword…. She is home… she starts to walk without a thought.

    Each step a relief, each stride is painless. She holsters her sword and then starts to sprint. She runs deeper and deeper into the castle until she comes out to the garden. There, a woman with short blonde hair, almost in a pixie cut, stays. Tending to the earth. She turns slowly towards Arkosa and smiles.


    Queen Arkosa fights to keep her voice calm. “Lady Inanna, I missed our talks.. can we have one more.”

    Both of them smile before talking about the days of old. And the battles that were once fought.

    <Sorry for the quality of the pictures. I couldn’t find hi resolution pictures. I hope you enjoy my little story.>
    Moody and PureSpy like this.
  8. :(Arkosa's Ape Kingdom and it’s Fall:(

    Queen Arkosa, an ancestor of the Apes, had marked her reign by prosperity and peace. All seemed well within the kingdom and the air blew a cool breeze over the mountains and down into the river. But beneath the surface unrest was brewing. The people of Queen Arkosa’s kingdom had been living under her rule for 15 years and were close to their breaking point. It began slowly over time when Queen Arkosa listened less and less to their requests. She sat upon her throne and watched as her people continued to pay their taxes of nobility. The people worked long and hard days and showed commitment to the Queen. The unrest grew as she canceled the yearly festival celebration. The celebration, Annual Syvern Wekish, also known as (ASW), was something every person in the kingdom looked forward to. But the Queen did not understand the people’s desire to have the festival.

    Time passed and the people grew more and more angry. The queen offered to make things better by offering to set up a festival to celebrate the people. The people of the kingdom were elated! The time for the celebration had come and the people gathered. The Queen, who was the richest in the entire land, offered a measly contribution to the festival. The Queen offered each person of the kingdom an egg. The people were aghast! They discussed among themselves why the Queen would only offer so little when the people pay her so much in nobitliy taxes. The Queen felt bad and offered to make things better. She said she would even give a half-a-loaf of bread to the people. The people of the kingdom were offended. Many of the residents commented to each other, “the queen swears she cares about us! Yet she takes all our money and offers such little back. We are the reason she is rich and able to flaunt her wealth. Perhaps we should leave this kingdom.”

    More time passed and the people grew weary. They gathered in the center of the town and They thought to themselves, “there must be something we can do! Perhaps there is another ruler who will appreciate our contribution more?”

    Then a voice was heard from the back of the crowd. “You poor citizens of this kingdom. Why do you stay here when I can offer you much more?”

    “Who are you? Do you know that this is Queen Arkosa’s land? No on is allowed to speak against her! She will silence you with her power.” shouted the citizens.

    “I am King Heckfire”, the King shouted. “I can take you to my kingdom. I do not expect you to work as hard as you do under her rule. And most importantly, I will appreciate your contribution.”

    “But we cannot leave. We have worked so hard here building ourselves a home.” shouted a young man.

    “I understand”, said the King. “I Have been in your position before. That is why I created multiple kingdoms where the residents are listened to and appreciated. In my kingdom you can become a Hero and fight monsters for rewards too!”

    “But we can fight monsters here too!” Said a Citizen.

    “Yes, Cella we can, but there’s only 2 that consistently show up. The rewards they drop are meager but we still consider them epic battles. Perhaps King Heckfire has more for us to do? Let’s give him a chance. I want my kids to grow up in a place where they are appreciated ” Replied his lover RedStar

    The people followed King Heckfire to his kingdom and started to build their homes. They realized life under King Heckfire was more prosperous.

    Queen Arkosa hid herself in her palace and refused to leave. Barely any residents stayed behind. Her wealth was diminishing as the nobility taxes were far fewer with only a few citizens left. She thought to herself, “If I had only given back to my people fairly, maybe they would have stayed.”
  9. I wonder if I will be disqualified because I only used KaW and Games that no longer exist like FC and GaW 😂
  10. Well, me and you were the only ones so… I think they should reward us either way.
  11. I love that both of us wrote about a dying game or have a setting that is about depressing state of a game that means a lot to us. lol
  12. It is funny how
    Kaw successor is Heckfire
    And pimd successor is single city: SLS

    And.. I just can’t get into Heckfire at all. I hate those style of game lol.

    pimd feels dirty to log on in the first place and I just go there to compare activity and then get depressed to see it is more active 😂 so I just can’t bring my self to torture my phone with the other games.
  13. Winners announced?
  14. PIMD and Single City had their mll lol Winners announced.

    Heckfire had no winners but no one competed.

    Witch Arcana doesn’t have a forum, only a discord, and I don’t want to make an account to join their discord so I have no clue if they got rewards or if anyone competed.

    KaW: Only 2 of us submitted but mine only crossovers with passed games that don’t exist with KaW (because I used Future Combat, GaW, Perfect Drift, SMASH, and Meego. All of those games are gone now. So my entry is most likely disqualified.

    But I understand that.

    So by default Hebrew you were the only one to follow the perimeters of the contest with Kaw and heckfire being used. Is there a NPC in Heckfire called the King of Heckfire? Maybe you didn’t use a proper NPC?

    But no announcements yet. Maybe they didn’t like our writings and won’t reward out on this contest. Oh well. Tis is life.
  15. Sorry for typo’s. Won’t let me edit
  16. Aye, winners announced XD

    Your name is first so I gather you got 1st and I got 2nd. 😂 congrats!
  17. Same rewards. We both got 1st 😝😝
  18. Let’s be real they probably didn’t even read them XD
    RedTulip likes this.