Review of Forums!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, Jun 21, 2024.

  1. Willy! Don’t get distracted!

    How is her nose scar so cute though?


    Anyways.Today we will review the overwhelming amount of traffic on forums!


    So, as a player who is unoriginal, disliked, and generally forgettable, I was thinking, what could I.. We do to bring the current player base back to Forums?

    More OSW banter?

    Gods I miss Bellemorte

    Well if not Banter about OSW, what about the state of the game, like below:


    Everything is a pyramid scheme…
    Quick! Distraction!


    You know. I still don’t like you Tripple N Brannyn. Your name is as weird as your face scars.. There are way to many hot woman in KaW and not enough thot zaddy NPC warriors. Just haggard old men that make people place their hand over the top of their drinks when they see them entering the pub.

    If we want Morticia, we need Gomez


    So there we have it. We need far more distractions and less reminders that this new armor set, that costs 150 bucks, will be out dated and under stated in a year!

    Hope you enjoyed my lame post!
  2. The set of eqp is worse than what I got bf… 7-8 months ago. They scammed yall who bought it!
  3. Yeeeah. Equipment is in a bad place I think. I feel like if they treat it like the furniture, and keep the stat close to each other, but make it a flavor thing, it would help a lot.

    Except for System War/EE war armor. That should be better than the EB and Event armor.

    But currently, that and how slow forums are, - are my only active complaints about game. I am actually having fun again.. I just wish there were more players and WC and forums were more active again.
    Aman-DK likes this.
  4. Love you too.
  5. Dude. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT BETTERING THE GAME. They only want your moneys.

    Do like me and give your money to someone that smells nice and gives you hugs. With their arms, feet, throat, etc.

    Like Abraham Lincoln said; “Get ******, nerds!”
  6. Indeed
  7. The only way to correct the downturn of this game is to start hunting whales! Sadly these liberal Canucks want a kinder gentler population!