Thank you Shadow Empire ❤️

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -LovelyDenial, May 3, 2024.

  1. Mafia Squad would like to thank Shadow Empire for a fun (training) osw.

    Last week, Mafia Squad invited Shadow Empire to a 5-day osw.

    We had been looking for a clan of similar size to spar against, and some of our players suggested Shadow Empire. They had visited SE several times and liked the clan.

    We approached SE admins and warlord with our proposal. They were hesitant, a eb clan that didn’t have a lot of experienced fighters and they had their own issue going on as well. However, they accepted it.

    We hashed our concerns as best we could, MS being bigger and a part of iG, we made some rules. We gave them an 24 hour prep time, all hits would only come from MS. And everyone agreed to a 5 day window. That ended on May 2nd 5pm EST.

    It was a fun war. We hit, we stripped and joked with each other. We would see SE in our newsfeed while chatting with them on 3rd party apps. We had running jokes going during strips. We visited them, they visited us. We, obviously, had a handful of alts in there watching and I was very pleased to see how they came together for it. It was incredibly fun and I hope we continue to be friends with them. And that they had as much fun as we did.

    For MS, being iG’s training clan, it helped us assess our players and what we need to do to improve ourselves and our organization.

    We hope that SE similarly enjoyed and learned from the war. From what I can tell, they did. I heard some of them were sad that the 5 days were already up.

    With respect and appreciation.
    With love and admiration.
    Cf Granted 💕

    🔥Ꮇꭺꮁ̵ꭵꭺ Ꮪꮔꮜꭺꭰ-We KaW to War-We Farm Bc We Care🔥
  2. I had alot of fun and developed some great friendships 😊 thank you SE! Yall have some great warriors.
    Brood_Warrior and number4 like this.
  3. It was a very nice way to train our newbies and theirs, good experience on both sides (I think).

    OSW is life👊🏻🔥
    Brood_Warrior likes this.
  4. Thank you Shadow Empire. It was a fun war.

    Respect to your fighters.

    I am going to miss seeing Spicy in my newsfeed.
  5. 🥷🥷🥷🐢🐢🐢🕺🕺🕺💢👊💢
  6. ya'll make it seem like y'all gave us a choice. Although you did give us some courteous 24 hours prep time.
    I specifically remember reading that y'all were going to hit whether we agreed to it or not.

    Anyways, see you soon 🍻🍻🖕😁
  7. That is true Turttle. And we commend your warlord and admins for taking the challenge. We agreed on the start and end times. And we contained the hits to perms.

    We grew to respect your former clan.

    Hope you do well in whichever clan you join.
  8. It’s a shame you can’t scroll back through the messages because your clan removed you from the chat. I’m sorry you are angry about it, but given where you are and that you are no longer with SE.. I think that speaks for itself.

    again, I’m sorry you did not enjoy yourself as much as everyone else seemed to. My condolences.
    Brood_Warrior likes this.
  9. Oh he confirmed it with me before he did it. I told him he ought to otherwise he'd be in big big trouble with y'all if he didn't.. And I don't have to scroll back. They're already saved which is why you told him to remove me from the thread according to him. Would you like to see any screenshots of that as well?
    RS-roni-RS likes this.
  10. Let me retract that first part.. he gave me a courteous heads up. That he was going to be removing me from the SE~IG thread per y'all's request. And I'm not angry baby girl. They know where I stand with them.😉😉

    So I'm sorry that you're upset And feel threatened by me enough to where you had to ask him to remove me from the thread

    Stay good beautiful😘
  11. Hun, I’m so sorry if that’s the impression that you got. Idk where you go the idea I wanted you gone from SE. I literally said in discord that I would not want to split up SE and really did like you. I promise you; at no point did I ask for your removal.
  12. Actually I suggested that SE remove Turttle from the SE-iG discord room.

    I could not remove Turttle because I did not create the room. SE did.

    it was made clear that you have left the clan. As I understand it, you were not happy.

    No reason for you to be in a room with iG.
  13. You dim out their light's turtleman. That's why they are so insecure around you and threaten the owner & clan to eject you out . Brood_defect did the same thing to me the other week and told the owner of the clan that I was in to drop me . Karma will get them eventually and kick them back down in the gutter from where they crawled out from 😊.
    IIIlI_CajunKing_lIlIl likes this.
  14. Nope, your clan did not keep it to Perms, I was visiting and was hit
    I left SE because of --Cory-- that was in the clan... a racist idiot, which took precedence over an OSW, or I would have stayed...
  15. This thread was meant to compliment SE for taking up the fight.

    You want to make something else out of our gesture? All good.

    Cory had left by the time you left.

    And yet you left because of him?

    You can always get back into the war.
  16. A bit of a delayed response to this thread(it finally let me in). Though, yes a training exercise was being performed regardless of SE being informed, there was a notification and a chance to settle on terms. Throughout the process of initializing this, they were respectful of concerns. I felt they were sincere about the terms that we were discussing, and took a leap of faith. Not all members were excited or looking forward to the battle that ensued, but all members fought valiantly in the conflict. In the end, as prescribed the fighting stopped. The members of what we knew as MS remained respectful. In the end, some of our members here at SE still has the itch for an osw and parted ways. Though it saddens me to see them leave the family built in the Shadow Empire, it is all a circle. And I wish them well, and I wish those who fought under MS and respected us well. It appears that the former members of MS that have moved on to the parent clan iG have remained honest to not taking any further use of troops, and that is commendable.

    End of the day, it’s all part of the game. Happy KaWing to all! May each day be more prosperous than the last on-screen and off.
    Safety and -LovelyDenial like this.