iG- Synergy war: answers to questions.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Brood_Warrior, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. Hmm

    I have been asked a few questions repeatedly since my return to KaW in February, so I thought this would be better answered in a public forum.

    For context, I started playing KaW in February 2011 and was voted into iG council and made war commander by the end of 2011.

    I was away from KaW for personal reasons from 2015-2022.

    I returned in December 2022. I officially stepped down from council and left KaW in March/April 2023 and returned again in February 2024.

    I get a lot of questions about iG due to my history with the clan even though I am not council anymore.

    The most common question I get asked is “Why is iG at war against House Baenre, Synergy and Kotfe?”.

    There is a separate answer for each clan. The war with HB is tied to our history and I will leave it for another post. The war against Synergy and Kotfe are more straightforward.

    The reason for the Kotfe war is simple. We are at war against Kotfe because they jumped in for Synergy, their ally.

    They joined the war by joining in a strip.

    Personally, I do not really have much of an issue with that. Allies are expected to jump in for each other, especially when they are outnumbered. In this case, Synergy activated their alliance with Kotfe to jump iG.

    All good.

    What about our war with Synergy?

    This is about as straightforward as you can get.

    xSyn_IMF, the leader of Synergy thought it would be fun to hire hit iG members. Along with the hire hits, he tried to get one of our top accounts banned, to more easily strip that account.

    He hire hit another top iG account for 'personal issues'.

    When iG merged and grew larger, he seemed more determined to hit our top accounts to somehow stop us growing. He was scared of a strong iG.

    It's all good. I have no problems with pvp. We are iG. Go for it.

    I play to farm and war. For years, my growth was fueled by farming. It makes for slow growth. But, I am not in a hurry.

    However, IMF should know that since he is the leader of a clan and he hit multiple players and took it upon himself to try to stop iG’s continued growth, that his acts do not merely reflect on him.

    These are declarations of intent.

    These are requests for your clan to be stripped.

    iG responded to IMF’s actions by stripping xSyn_WTF of 1040 Q.

    And we have been stripping their clan regularly since then. Admittedly, we are also stripping HB daily.

    We have no issues with the rest of Synergy. I can totally understand their need to fight for IMF. He is their leader. I am sure they believe that IMF can lead them to success. They probably even think he is a great guy.

    Our main fight is with IMF.

    Obviously, we have to keep stripping everyone at Synergy. They are IMF’s clannies and are fighting iG.

    A lot of Syn have left the war. For those who remain, it means they do not mind getting stripped for IMF’s behaviour.

    Ultimately, IMF has to learn and pay for his actions.

    And we intent to extract every bit of payment from him.

    We are iG.
  2. 🔥˻͝ʹ͜ ˓͜⌯⃕༦༤ཻཀ ɪ₲ ཫ༩྄ྀ༣˒͜⌯⃔ʹ͜˻͝˻͝🔥 F҉T҉W҉ 🔫
  3. Wonderful story. Now let’s get to the facts…

    K_Karna-A-Reapz_W had been a target of mine long before he ran to iG for protection as he was involved in a prior conflict. I was approached by iG and asked to cease hits on him. I explained to infamous that Karna was my perm farm, has prior baggage, and it’s not iG’s place to interfere in that. It was iG’s responsibility to properly vet recruits prior to any attempt to make them perm members. Even with iG’s involvement in keeping Karna safer, my hits were targeted and not spread to the rest of the clan. Infamous didn’t like the generally accepted practice of vetting recruits because he was too focused on trying to grow iG. So the convo went from civil to infamous making child-like threats, trying to force his agenda and only terms that were favorable to iG. I then left talks for obvious reasons.

    In 2023, I began farming Lux as the account was originally Syn and the shady stuff that occurred with it ultimately landing in iG. A CF was reached where Lux agreed to leave iG and he to become a member of Carnage. Lux then went back on the CF terms and headed back to iG, so therefore, hits resumed. Again, no other harm done to recognized iG members.

    iG’s excuse of 'you tried to dictate how we play' is absolute crap. It was iG who tried to dictate play. This is the story iG’s failed leadership peddled to their members and any outsiders willing to lend them an ear.

    iG mostly consists of disgruntled players who had already been made to CF in prior OSWs. They are simply seeking to try make a name for themselves, where they rely heavily on corner-cutting methods to gain advantages in the game for one purpose, power/relevance. They want to pretend that they are acting out of principle and morals, but in reality, they're acting on egos and lies.

    These are the same clowns that attacked House Baerne unprovoked, purely because they want the 120-slot clan. They don't have the moral high ground no matter how much they're trying to pretend they do. Not to mention that half of iG consists of members who begged us for a CF already from Green Petals so that they could merge into iG. And they've held a personal grudge since then.
  4. Interesting story. Let’s make a few things clear.

    I couldn’t care less who your perm farms were. If someone is iG, then you don’t get to make them your perm farm.

    Your prior issues cease.

    I was trained by old school iG and am one too. One of the lessons I was taught and I teach to those in iG is to recognise old school war clans. We always show respect to these clans because they deserve respect.

    We don’t dictate how they play.

    You don’t get to dictate iG members or think you can perm farm an iG. It’s also interesting that the top accounts you chose to hire hit and get banned are those associated with iG.

    What did you think was going to happen?

    You could have sought to resolve it. Instead you chose to be smart and hire hit our guys.

    What did you think was going to happen?

    Your arrogance led us to strip your clan. Is it worth it?

    As for HB, I will discuss it in another post.

    I have absolutely no issues wit the rest of your clan. I am friends with some of them. A lot of Syn members are good and dignified.

    They are getting hit and stripped because you think you can get away with hitting iG.

    Is it worth it?
  5. “Your prior issues cease”? Sounds like you’re trying to dictate play to me.

    Neither of my targets were ‘your member’, they simply ran there where they sat as guests. They were in 1v1s with me, which was none of iG’s business, as I stated before. Sorry, but it’s not my responsibility to reach out and resolve my 1v1s with anyone other than those two ‘guests’ you allowed to visit.

    We now hit your mob because it was iG who initiated the war by stripping a recognized member in Syn.

    So how about this… you stop telling lies about me, and I’ll stop telling the truth about iG.
  6. Karna you started to hit due to your paranoia of everything sky ? Gremlination and company ? Karna never has bothered much to anyone in kaw to that extend , yet anyone who befriends or hangs out with sky and templo you say I'ma strip you stop visiting them .....the same reason you jumped GP lmao? ....Lux was never iG id be damned ?

    After GP in ER you plucked me daily hire hits by funding valk? That's were ER vendetta started , then iG Lux hire hits after we merged into them?

    You sure are smart to leave a lot of stuff out of your paragraphs ?
  7. This could be the opening narrative to a blockbuster movie! 🍿

    To be fair, IMF did try to resolve it but your leadership was acting childish, didn’t want to resolve it other than trying to be the biggest kid in the playground and push their weight around…and we don’t play with kids.

    Also something slightly off-topic here - as much as I am respectful to everyone that I meet in KaW, I don’t very much like that you tried to recruit me recently to iG by telling me that I’ll be “safe from iG”. Safe from who exactly?

    I war because it’s fun and it’s a thrill. It’s why most of us veterans are still here playing this game because we enjoy this aspect about it.
    And yes, I have friends too that are in iG who I won’t name due to respect.
    But we also don’t tolerate nonsense and childish behaviour towards us because of being in a position of power.

    Enjoy the war
  8. Be a good little kitty and meow for me.
    Tanner likes this.
  9. This is beyond silly. Lux is iG. I’ve been iG since 2011. He was iG before me. He left iG sometime around mid or end 2011.

    But he had returned to iG before your hire hits on him.

    And I know this because of one simple fact:

    I was the one who invited Lux back to iG early last year. He returned to iG more than a year ago.

    He was not a guest.

    You chose to create problems with iG.

    what do you think was going to happen?

    As for dictating your play, let us be clear:

    you decide what you do.

    But what you did have consequences.

    I have no problems at all that you cause the war. This is what I play for.

    You volunteered your clan to be stripped by your actions. For that I thank you.

    the question for you is this: was it worth it?
  10. Karna was in TS when they when they picked a fight with our ally LSA, prior to his eventual arrival as a guest in iG.

    Also, not our problem you got bored and went after Clan A the second they were no longer a part of Kotfe. We’ve been friends/allies going back to the beginning of kaw, so don’t act surprised/innocent that we stepped in to stop your bullying. Just admit it, you were desperate for a win after a string of defeats.

    As for Lux, well… I’ll let the devs unravel the mystery there ;)
  11. Brood, are you saying Lux came back to kaw with the account he played back in 2011? If so, his zero to hero status on alb is truly remarkable and I applaud him for for his efforts 👏🏼
  12. So let’s have clarity. You claim that you went after Karna because he was in TS prior to iG.

    As for Lux, do you now retract your comment that he was just a guest?

    Again, I have absolutely no problem that you cause the war that led to your clan getting stripped.

    what else is there to do in a war game? Your hire hits on our members brought the war.

    It’s all good.

    The question you have to keep asking yourself is whether your decision to hire hit our members is worth getting your clan stripped.

    you don’t need to justify yourself. It’s ok we know you need to convince yourself and your clan that your choices that led to them getting stripped were right.

    Ask yourself the question in your solitude. At a place where you cannot lie even to yourself.

    were your hire hits and wanting to farm iG members worth it?
  13. I
    I Can shed more light on all of this if you wanna get factual.
    Brood_Warrior, Rhoda, ALPHA and 2 others like this.
  14. Brood, I have no interest in holding your hand through this. You’re a big boy, go back and read my posts again. At this point, you just sound like a parrot spewing the same lies. Tell ‘em often enough and they will magically become truth right? Good luck with that.

    Under, you crack me up. Maybe one day coach infamous will ask you to put the pom poms down and get in the game lol. I believe in you lil buddy.
    IIIlI_CajunKing_lIlIl likes this.
  15. In the heart of Whimsywood, where laugher danced among the trees, there lived a grumpy dwarf account named Brood.

    Brood wasn’t like the other creatures of the forest. While they spread joy and kindness, Brood stumbled through the woods, knocking over flower pots and tripping on his own shoelaces (as he doesn’t to know how to do them up himself).

    One bright morning, as Brood grumbled his way through the enchanted forest, he stumbled upon a perilous situation. A mischievous band of trolls had captured the forest’s beloved storyteller, Sparkles the Wise Owl, and was about to lock her away in a dark cave.
    Brood, in his usual blubbering manner, tried to intervene but only ended up tangled in a vine.

    Just when all hope seemed lost, a tiny, heroic figure appeared swinging from the trees. It was SmoomS, the cheerful creature known for his bravery and quick thinking! With a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous grin, Smooms sprang into action.

    He leaped from tree to tree, outsmarting the trolls and setting Sparkle free with a clever distraction involving a jar of honey from the woodlands bear and a flock of bee’s nearby.

    As Brood watched in amazement, SmoomS turned to him with a friendly smile.
    “Looks like you could use a hand, my friend!” He chirped, offering Brood a hand up from the tangled mess of vines.
    Brood, still dazed from his clumsy antics, was about to swat the helping hand away, when he suddenly found himself nodding in awe and gratitude.

    From that day forward, Brood realised that even though he may make silly mistakes and not always know what he is saying or doing, he could still make a difference in the world of being kind and appreciating the heroic deeds of friends like SmoomS.

    And as they journeyed through Whimsywood together, Brood stumbled a little less and smiled a little more, knowing that with friends like SmoomS by his side, anything was possible.
    IIIlI_CajunKing_lIlIl likes this.
  16. IMF all good.

    So we have clarity:

    1. You hit Karna because he was TS and you wanted to perm farm him after a war.

    2. You first claimed Lux was an iG guest. I am glad you have stopped making that claim.

    At least you can silently admit that you hire hit an iG.

    The question remains: what did you think was going to happen when you hire hit iG?

    You should know how we would respond.

    Your actions cost your clannies.
  17. These are the words of a level headed Grown-up leader 🤣🤣🤣 defend those lies brood all good 👌
    IIIlI_CajunKing_lIlIl likes this.
  18. Syn Jumped iG because me and queen wouldn’t leave little Dukey alone 🤣
  19. GP* not iG. My b
  20. not sure how you consider that a lie. You may not like what he said but to call it a lie is a little off isn’t it?

    or is everything you do not like a lie?