Letter to the Devs: Please Read

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Hebrews, Mar 1, 2024.

  1. I was promised by a support agent that they would forward this to you. I would appreciate a comment on the thread showing me and the community that the devs did read this.

    After interviewing many people in the kaw community there has been a common denominator.

    it’s this: a lack of communication and movement from devs. As well as a lack of new content to keep the game engaging.

    here’s a list of things players have requested that have yet to be done.
    •New eb
    —-It’s getting quite boring and repetitive doing the same two ebs. Noth/goth. Once a war game is now just a nonstop hit two ebs for years straight.
    •New mithril eqp
    —- we haven’t got new mithril eqp in what may be a decade. Many people enjoyed earning mith for the eqp. The eqp on the market now is worthless with their stats. Bringing more mith into the game would also cause more people to war.
    •New events.. no more copy and paste collection events!
    •New spells perhaps to match current stats. The troop and spy spells are super outdated!

    in all seriousness. Lots of us love this game. Many of us grew up on it. We don’t wanna see it die because there is lack of development in the game! And once again pls comment if you see this :)
  2. You'll have better luck at getting a response from Father Christmas, than you would of the Apes .... These "ideas" and "suggestions" are nothing new and have been circulating around KAW for longer than I can to recall. Currently the "Mith Equipment" was last updated around a decade ago. The "Spells" and Pots are also archaic and serve no use or purpose whatsoever. If you take a look at forums there are dozens of posts asking for a multitude of changes/ideas/request none of which are even acknowledged by the devs. I think the game is at the "end of life" now, it's been a great journey.
  3. I think the legends are a good side thing. They help especially smaller accts grow very quickly. There should be something more though, and you could probably retool alot of those obsolete mechnaics into that. Combine pots, mithril, and system wars into a different beast- and maybe you have another avenue if the game for people to enjoy.
    Hebrews likes this.
  4. They REALLY need to add more mithril EQP. And a new eb. It’s been years
  5. Yall quite literally live on kaw. I’m having some awesome changes in my life soon. While yall live on kaw and hide from RL, I’m doing RL. I don’t hate yall. Just feel bad for the insecurities yall have. Yall prey on people to make fun of to hide how you feel. You know it’s true. Seriously rn think about it. Ask urself why u love being hateful. Regardless my focus is on RL. If you want to have an actual serious convo u can pm me on line.
  6. Yall quite literally live on kaw. I’m having some awesome changes in my life soon. While yall live on kaw and hide from RL, I’m doing RL. I don’t hate yall. Just feel bad for the insecurities yall have. Yall prey on people to make fun of to hide how you feel. You know it’s true. Seriously rn think about it. Ask urself why u love being hateful. Regardless my focus is on RL. If you want to have an actual serious convo u can pm me on line.
  7. Yall quite literally live on kaw. I’m having some awesome changes in my life soon. While yall live on kaw and hide from RL, I’m doing RL. I don’t hate yall. Just feel bad for the insecurities yall have. Yall prey on people to make fun of to hide how you feel. You know it’s true. Seriously rn think about it. Ask urself why u love being hateful. Regardless my focus is on RL. If you want to have an actual serious convo u can pm me on line.
  8. Yall quite literally live on kaw. I’m having some awesome changes in my life soon. While yall live on kaw and hide from RL, I’m doing RL. I don’t hate yall. Just feel bad for the insecurities yall have. Yall prey on people to make fun of to hide how you feel. You know it’s true. Seriously rn think about it. Ask urself why u love being hateful. Regardless my focus is on RL. If you want to have an actual serious convo u can pm me on line.
  9. fair indeed
  10. Yall quite literally live on kaw. I’m having some awesome changes in my life soon. While yall live on kaw and hide from RL, I’m doing RL. I don’t hate yall. Just feel bad for the insecurities yall have. Yall prey on people to make fun of to hide how you feel. You know it’s true. Seriously rn think about it. Ask urself why u love being hateful. Regardless my focus is on RL. If you want to have an actual serious convo u can pm me on line.
  11. Ren idk why you added me fr. These kids obsessed with a mobile game. I’m busy with college and making my life better. Yeah I make mistakes and I made some big ones. There’s more to every story. But i don’t hang with people who can’t forgive and be friendly. Peace out 💪