Gigantodon Chest Gigantodon Chest Event: Awakening of Titans Date Released: 12/27/23 "It's the end of the world! Earthquakes are shaking the lands and rumors of gigantic titans swirl within the kingdom. An enemy of this scale will require more power than mere mortals possess! Can you locate an ancient ally to save the kingdom?" Fun Fact: This Event was the first one for 2024 and saw the return of weekend Plunder Battles (alongside the regular EB and Kingdom Battle Blitzes) as well as a new "Choose your Titan" with a leaderboard tracking the popularity of the Wrath of the Sveruganti Epic Battles: Lignabelua of the Lowlands Ghomorax of the Highlands Neidria of the Hoarfrost Aotromos of the Abyss Gigantodon Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Rexcalibur (Top 10) Ignitrox ➩ Throne Spinothrone The Titan Throne ➩ Weapon Gigantodon Geode ➩ Armor Gigaquake Statue ➩ Helmet Golden Spinothor Statue Spinothor Statue ➩ Chandelier Skeleton of Spinothor ➩ Dais Dais of Sacrifice ➩ Pillars Titan Femurs ➩ Pet Food Gigantodon Egg ➩ Shield (Top Left) Gigantodaggers ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Titanbone Axe ➩ Rug Vertabridge ➩ Left Side Throne Bone Brazier, Left Chronosaur Titan Skull ➩ Right Side Throne Bone Brazier, Right ➩ Throne Room Wall The Wall of Sacrifice ➩ Chamber Wall Wake of the Titan ➩ Workshop Wall Titan Ritual Wall and Table ➩ Floor Gigantodon Floor The Floor of Sacrifice ➩ Banner Gigantodon Skull Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Titan Located Map of Titan Sites (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Titan Offering (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Gigantodon Giblets (Side Legend Collection Item) HOLM TO THE RESCUE! (Side Legend Collection Item) Aquam Conjuris (Side Legend Collection Item) Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
Titanflame Chest Titanflame Chest Event: Titanic Destruction Date Released: 1/10/24 "Doom marches ever closer! Gwyn and the Mage have failed to find a beast to rival the titan, Rexcalibur! Now the titan continues to make its destructive way towards the kingdom and all hope seems lost! Can you discover the weakness of this massive monster?" Fun Fact: This Event continued the storyline of fighting the titans and Rexcalicbur. Titanflame Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Crocarnage (Top 10) Ethermoth ➩ Throne The Titanflame Throne ➩ Weapon Titanflame Shield Titanflame Anvil ➩ Armor Titanflame Guard ➩ Helmet Titanflame Dagger ➩ Chandelier Ember Buzzard ➩ Dais Rexcalibur Dais Titanflame Dais ➩ Pillars Titanflame Statues ➩ Pet Food Titanflame Victim ➩ Shield (Top Left) Diagram of Crocarnage ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Titanflame Claw Marks Rexcalibur Scale ➩ Rug Titanflame Knight ➩ Left Side Throne Titanflame Brazier ➩ Right Side Throne Titanflame Statue Head ➩ Throne Room Wall Titanflame Wall ➩ Chamber Wall Titanflame Chamber The Burning Kingdom ➩ Workshop Wall Titanflame Wall and Table ➩ Floor Titanflame Floor ➩ Banner Titanflame Banner Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Titan Research Notes Titan Scale (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Titan Blood Sample (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Strategy Meeting (Side Legend Collection Item) Repelling The Invaders! (Side Legend Collection Item) Titan Fever Cure (Side Legend Collection Item) Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
Titan Chest Titan Chest Event: Clash of Titans Date Released: 1/24/24 "Rexcalibur is upon them! The massive titan has reached the kingdom's capital and is about to lay waste to it! The Mage and Marabara execute their last ditch effort to stop the titan, but it will require tapping into dark magic! Can you create a monster to rival Rexcalibur?" Fun Fact: During Clash of Titans, the usual Royal Bundles available to purchase in the Marketplace for each event were also added for purchase from the web store. Titanflame Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Ligneitromax (Top 10) Chlorovile ➩ Throne Throne of Lignabelua ➩ Weapon Coiled Wheel ➩ Armor Wrath of Aotromos The Laughing Boar ➩ Helmet Tangled Anchor ➩ Chandelier Titanforce Orb ➩ Dais Lignabelua Dais ➩ Pillars Old Temple Pillars Restored Temple Pillars ➩ Pet Food Cauldron of Ghomorax ➩ Shield (Top Left) Tentacle of Wrapped Bottle Treasure of Aotromos ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Tentacle of Aotromos ➩ Rug Lignabelua Carpet ➩ Left Side Throne Western Tower Ruins ➩ Right Side Throne Eastern Tower Ruins ➩ Throne Room Wall Lowlands Forest ➩ Chamber Wall Highlands Kingdom ➩ Workshop Wall Abyssal Falls Death Behind the Falls ➩ Floor Lowlands Temple Floor ➩ Banner Lignabelua Chandelier Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Devastating Frost Attack TBA (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) TBA (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
Fairy Tale Box Fairy Tale Box Event: The Grieving Grove Date Released: 2/7/24 "Some stories don't have happy endings...Deep in the Highlands lies Castle L'Heureux, long abandoned after the disappearance of princess Morrigan L'Heureux. Around the castle is the mysterious Grieving Grove, where some say Morrigan now resides... Can you solve the mystery of the Grieving Grove?" Fun Fact: This was the Valentine's Day 2024 Event. Several unique seasonal items were available in the Marketplace: The Lovestruck bonus (for 3 Health Crystals) granted +20% to Epic Battle plunder and applied a Heart with Arrow emoji spell to players' usernames for 1 hour! This bonus will be available in the Marketplace for 3 Health Crystals. The Festive Gift Box returned to the Marketplace and could be purchased. It could not be opened by the purchaser but could be traded. Once traded, the box could not be traded anymore (no re-gifting your beloved's gift!) The Bow and Arrow and Red Heart emoji spells were available in the Marketplace for 5000000 Gold. During Valentine's Weekend Promo, a Stat Item, Divine Confections, was a Top 10 reward that could only be traded ONE time (choose your beloved wisely!) Fairy Tale Box Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Morrigan Moonwhisper (Top 10) Rustling Thornbush ➩ Throne The Storybook Throne ➩ Weapon The Mirror of Self Reflection ➩ Armor Fairy Tale Teapot ➩ Helmet Fairy Tale Teacups ➩ Chandelier Moon After Midnight Peering Crows ➩ Dais Fairy Tale Dais ➩ Pillars Fairy Tale Pillars ➩ Pet Food Sir Croakshanks Fairy Tale Sword and Shield ➩ Shield (Top Left) Fairy Tale Brush ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Fairy Tale Vanity Mirror ➩ Rug Fairy Tale Royal Carpet Trail of Rose Petals ➩ Left Side Throne Fairy Tale Pink Roses ➩ Right Side Throne Fairy Tale White Roses ➩ Throne Room Wall Royal Silk Curtains ➩ Chamber Wall The Grieving Grove ➩ Workshop Wall Princess Chamber Wall and Table ➩ Floor Fairy Tale Floor ➩ Banner Chandelier of Rose Tears Fairy Tale Dress Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Fairy Tale Wand TBA (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) TBA (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
Vault Chest Vault Chest Event: Vault of the Arcanum Date Released: 2/21/24 "Assemble the team! Tomhasir has been collecting valuable magic artifacts for nefarious reasons. Among them is a particularly dangerous statue hidden deep in the Pallumen vaults. Can you pull of the heist of the century?" Fun Fact: This Event saw the return of Tomhasir and took place in the Pallumen Lands. Vault Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Goldshire (Top 10) Cosmoculus ➩ Throne The Cosmic Throne ➩ Weapon The Rose Scepter ➩ Armor Ice Dragon Egg The Woodland Tiara ➩ Helmet Flame Dragon Egg Heart of Caer Sidh ➩ Chandelier Banner of Tomhasir ➩ Dais Pallumen Vault Dais ➩ Pillars Pallumen Display Pillars ➩ Pet Food Pallumen Vault Lock ➩ Shield (Top Left) Pallumen Terraforming Scrolls ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) The Fae Flayer ➩ Rug Vault Security Seal ➩ Left Side Throne Stack of Gold ➩ Right Side Throne Pallumen Phoenix The Glaring Diamond ➩ Throne Room Wall Pallumen Vault Wall Pallumen Vault Gate ➩ Chamber Wall Pallumen Vault Entrance ➩ Workshop Wall Pallumen Deep Vault ➩ Floor Pallumen Vault Floor ➩ Banner Maaku's Caper Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* The Way Forward TBA (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) TBA (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
Caer Sidh Chest Caer Sidh Chest Event: The Two-Headed Serpent Date Released: 3/6/24 "To the Highlands! With the artifact in Tomhasir's vault stolen by an unknown assailant, Gwyn travels to Caer Sidh to discover the truth about its power. Can you unlock the secrets of the serpent?" Fun Fact: This Event brought the storyline back to the Highlands and Caer Sidh, as well as a weekend promo with unique items in the Marketplace. (Daylight Savings Time occurred during this Event, pausing some competition features.) The Lucky Clover bonus granted +20% to Epic Battle plunder and applied a Four-leaf Clover emoji spell to players' usernames for 1 hour. A Shamrock emoji spell and Green Heart emoji spell were available in the Marketplace for 5000000 Gold. A Crux Chest Bundle containing 5 Crux Chests was available for 195 Nobility Points in the Marketplace. A Nobility Bonus Competition ran for 72 Hours from March 15th noon PT until March 18th noon PT, and the First Place player received Ruler of the Hoard emoji spell for two weeks. Caer Sidh Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Nathairmor (Top 10) Highlands Sheep ➩ Throne Throne of Ardnathair Caer Sidh Throne ➩ Weapon Caer Sidh Battleaxe ➩ Armor Caer Sidh Harp ➩ Helmet Marcasan Steed Sculpture ➩ Chandelier Aislingeachan Butterflies ➩ Dais Caer Sidh Dais ➩ Pillars Highlands Cedar Shrubs ➩ Pet Food Serpent Egg Clutch ➩ Shield (Top Left) The Tangled Serpents Caer Sidh Dagger ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Caer Sidh Hurley Stick ➩ Rug Caer Sidh Walkway ➩ Left Side Throne Nathairin Sculpture Golden Nathairin Sculpture ➩ Right Side Throne Golden Serpent Sculpture ➩ Throne Room Wall Caer Sidh Castle Wall ➩ Chamber Wall Caer Sidh Fields ➩ Workshop Wall Caer Sidh Workshop ➩ Floor Caer Sidh Castle Floor Highlands Cloverfield ➩ Banner Caer Sidh Banner Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Caer Sidh Sword TBA (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) TBA (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
New Tembai Chest New Tembai Chest Event: Hive of the Ancients Date Released: 3/20/24 "Doom in the desert! The Fatesands calls for aid as their ancient enemy awakens from deep underground. They must prepare their forces for the imminent arrival of this threat. Can you muster their forces for battle?" Fun Fact: This Event brought the storyline back to the Fatesands Lands and New Tembai, as well as a trial run reintroduction of Clan Wars. A short April Fool's Day Event also occurred during this Event. New Tembai Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Anudiin (Top 10) Cleocatra ➩ Throne The Tembai Throne ➩ Weapon Fatesands Sun Calendar ➩ Armor Fatesands Sphynx Sunswarm Hourglass ➩ Helmet Sunswarm Scroll ➩ Chandelier Fatesands Moon Calendar ➩ Dais New Tembai Royal Dais New Tembai Dais ➩ Pillars New Tembai Royal Pillars ➩ Pet Food New Tembai Ether Fountain New Tembai Urn ➩ Shield (Top Left) Desert Wind Gyro ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Shasa Ceremonial Dagger ➩ Rug New Tembai Carpet ➩ Left Side Throne Desert Prowler Statue ➩ Right Side Throne Old Tembai Flame Serpent Sculpture ➩ Throne Room Wall New Tembai Throne Room ➩ Chamber Wall New Tembai Temple New Tembai Courtyard ➩ Workshop Wall Sunswarm Hieroglyphs ➩ Floor New Tembai Castle Floor ➩ Banner New Tembai Palace Stone Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Man the Ramparts! Fortified Defences (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Repaired Weapons (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Improvised Cleansing Potion (Side Legend Collection Item) Shasa Training Drill (Side Legend Collection Item) Hieroglyph Presses (Side Legend Collection Item) Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
Buzzing Box Buzzing Box Event: Eyes of The Beeholder Date Released: 4/3/24 "The Sunswarm attacks! A monstrous swarm of bees emerge from underground and make a beeline towards the city of New Tembai! The only way to stop the assault is to delve into the hive itself! Can you defeat the controller of this hive mind?" Fun Fact: This Event continued the storyline of the Sunswarm bee attacks in the Fatesands Lands. Buzzing Box Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Bzzrt the Beeholder (Top 10) Brullo the Honeybear ➩ Throne Queen Bezalia's Throne ➩ Weapon Sunswarm Worker Drones ➩ Armor Queen Bezalia's Crown Pot of Honey ➩ Helmet Wicker Head ➩ Chandelier Savannah Beehive ➩ Dais Honeycomb Dais ➩ Pillars Queen's Hive Pillars The Honeyfalls ➩ Pet Food Sticky Honey Comb ➩ Shield (Top Left) Sunswarm Larvae Comb ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) The Apiarist Blade ➩ Rug Bowing Bees Puddle of Honey ➩ Left Side Throne Royal Chamber Bee ➩ Right Side Throne Beeswax Candles ➩ Throne Room Wall Queen's Hive Chamber ➩ Chamber Wall Fatesands Savannah ➩ Workshop Wall Hive Wall and Table Buzzing Hive Wall and Table ➩ Floor Queen's Hive Floor ➩ Banner Royal Hive Guardian Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Beeholder Revealed Guard Bee Attack (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Worker Bee Attack (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Bee-ting Them Back! (Side Legend Collection Item) Honey-Soaked Battlefield (Side Legend Collection Item) Swarm of Arrows! (Side Legend Collection Item) Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
Waterlogged Chest Waterlogged Chest Event: Echoes of the Emerald Sea Date Released: 4/17/24 "A plea for help echoes from the depths! A naval battle between kingdoms has left the once pristine waters at the Boreastor Coast littered with debris, suffocating the life within. Can you restore the ocean coast to its former glory?" Fun Fact: This Event was a nod towards the Pacific Northwest where ATA is located, as well as awareness for ocean cleanup, environmental responsibility, and animal conservation. Waterlogged Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Undaferox (Top 10) Boreastor Moose ➩ Throne The Driftwood Throne ➩ Weapon Mounted Boreastor Grizzly ➩ Armor Soapstone Orca Driftwood Puma ➩ Helmet Golden Pinecone ➩ Chandelier Boreastor Bald Eagles Boreastor Horned Owl ➩ Dais Driftwood Dais ➩ Pillars Driftwood Pillars ➩ Pet Food Boreastor Red Squirrel ➩ Shield (Top Left) Boreastor Dagger ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Chirping Framed Salmon Run Framed Salmon Run ➩ Rug Boreastor Grizzly Pelt ➩ Left Side Throne Turquoise Sea Otter ➩ Right Side Throne Granite Boreastor Grizzly ➩ Throne Room Wall Boreastor Vista ➩ Chamber Wall Boreastor Woods ➩ Workshop Wall Boreastor Wall and Table ➩ Floor Driftwood Pine Flooring ➩ Banner Elk Antler Chandelier Banner of the Bald Eagle Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Poison Sludge Barrel Waterlogged Ship's Wheel (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Clearspring Water (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Shipwrecked Survivor (Side Legend Collection Item) Helping the Critters (Side Legend Collection Item) Rescued Seal Pup (Side Legend Collection Item) Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
Usurper Cult Chest Usurper Cult Chest Event: The Serpent's Heart Date Released: 5/1/24 "Caer Sidh calls for aid! Their kingdom in the Highlands has been attacked by a massive skeletal army seeking an ancient artifact! The fate of the kingdom lies in the hands of their new allies... Can you save the kingdom before it is lost to the undead horde?" Fun Fact: This Event saw the return of a previous storyline enemy with the addition of new artwork and a name ... Jääkäärne, the Usurper King of the Hoarfrost. In addition, a new Avatar Banner was released with Upgrade Chests and Upgrade Materials: Soul Siphoning Tome Soul Siphoning Chest Crystal Cultist Skull Usurper Cult Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Sarvipää (Top 10) Cursed Cube ➩ Throne Soul Imbued Throne of Jääkäärne Throne of Jääkäärne ➩ Weapon Mirror of Dread Souls ➩ Armor Soul Imbued Rat ➩ Helmet Dark Cult Lantern ➩ Chandelier Dark Cult Banner ➩ Dais Dark Cult Ritual Dais ➩ Pillars Dark Cult Pillars ➩ Pet Food Dark Cult Books ➩ Shield (Top Left) Dark Cult Amulet Soul Imbued Dark Cult Amulet ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Resurrection Tome ➩ Rug Dark Cult Ritual Carpet ➩ Left Side Throne Dark Cult Sigil Rune ➩ Right Side Throne Dark Cult Urn Soul Imbued Dark Cult Urn ➩ Throne Room Wall Dark Cult Ritual Hall Cursed Dark Cult Ritual Hall ➩ Chamber Wall Dark Cult Dungeon ➩ Workshop Wall Dark Cult Ritual Altar ➩ Floor Dark Cult Ritual Floor ➩ Banner Dark Cult Chandelier Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Undead Onslaught Undead Drake Skull (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Cultist Skull (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Restoring the Forests (Side Legend Collection Item) Shattered Cultist Portal (Side Legend Collection Item) Huge Vampire Bat (Side Legend Collection Item) Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.