πŸ‘‘ All-Star War 2023 πŸ‘‘

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I__Von__l, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. This πŸ‘†πŸ½ ASW gives people something to work toward and a way to really see who is the best. Warring randomly leaves one in a state of limbo with the grind but if there were a central (ASW) or seasonal event (seasonal wars) there would be something for pvp players to work toward (I imagine gem and premium item consumption would spike in the week or two prior to such events). The Devs are missing out on a recurring bonus check(s) by ignoring its pvp KaWmmunity smh πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ
  2. Because the majority of EB fairies are f2p… not many warriors are…
  3. Ok let’s just forget about ASW 23, this year is almost done, & let’s focus on ASW 24 & the plannings on how it would work if we must plan β€œOUR OWN ASW” & if ata is open to any agreement on our planning it for next year. Let’s see..
    Pingu likes this.
  4. I’m in
  5. Support
  6. Didn’t abandon this guys. When I was mia found a tumor in my lung. Had to deal with that.

    Glad to see clan wars this past weekend tho 🀘 hope everyone had fun!
  7. Would like ATA to tell us why ASW cannot be brought back. One more dimension adding back to the name of war in the name of KaW. So many ways to approach it starting with can have 2 options to choose from. One being a LOWLAND war tourney another being Individual war. Start with a trial run of both spanning 2 days with one of each on separate days. Going by the general interest in wars start with a humble beginning of 50v50 rosters. Can only sign up for one not both. If overwhelming entrants sign up expand to 75v75 or up to 100v100.
  8. Oh yo hope ur ok wtf