💰Black Friday Deals and Promos! 🤑

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Jace, Nov 21, 2023.

  1. Marketplace Sales


    Available until Wednesday, November 30th at noon PT:
    • Aevum Circle Pieces Bundle - 10 Circles for 5 Nobility Points
    • Horn of Calydor - 14 Nobility Points
    • Seal of the Damned - 29 Nobility Points
    • Crux Chests - On sale for 39 Nobility Points
    • Golden Crux Chests - On sale for 59 Nobility Points


    Thanksgiving Marketplace bundles and Boar Banquet will be available until Friday, November 25th at noon PT.

    Black Friday Doorcrashers in-game and Xsolla will be available until Monday, November 27th at noon PT.

    Black Friday Bundles

    Each day, starting from Thursday, November 23rd at noon PT until Tuesday, November 28th at noon PT, there will be two IAP bundles available for purchase from the Oracle!

    Friday, November, 24th noon PT to Saturday, November 25th noon PT:
    Black Friday 2023 Day 2 A - $1.99 USD
    • 1 Seal of the Damned
    • 2 Royal Seerstone
    • 2 Imperial Seerstone

    Black Friday 2023 Day 2 B - $19.99 USD
    • 1 Lotstone
    • 1 Valorstone
    • 3 Crux Chest
    • 3 Golden Crux Chest
    • 3 Lamp of Destiny

    New Items

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Jadeite Tiger Charm, Crimson Panda Charm, and Brilliant Dragon Charm - These 3 permanent items can be received from IAPs in the Oracle. They give % bonus to your stats.

    Jadeite Panda Charm pack includes:
    • Jadeite Panda Charm (10% bonus to Defense and Spy Defense)
    • 10 Health Crystals
    • 40 Nobility Points
    Crimson Panda Charm pack includes:
    • Crimson Panda Charm (15% bonus to Attack and Spy Attack)
    • 18 Health Crystals
    • 10 Nobility Points
    Brilliant Dragon Charm pack includes:
    • Brilliant Dragon Charm (16% bonus to all stats)
    • 65 Health Crystals
    • 200 Nobility Points

    Gemstone Banner

    From now until Wednesday, November 30th at noon PT, players can earn a Gemstone Banner by completing the Oracles Legend to spend $5 USD total in the Oracle or through our web store

  2. This is a ridiculously bad and out of toucb promo. Like hilariously bad
    Holo, Roro, Nephi and 6 others like this.
  3. No legend to earn plates?… yeah this is wildly out of touch
    -_-SCUMBAG-_- and Nephi like this.
  4. No good deals either like cmon... supposed to be blackfriday not rinse your player base dry🙄😒
    Bachkeda and Nov like this.
  5. Epic fail 🤮🤮🤮
    -_-SCUMBAG-_- likes this.
  6. This trend of bundling so much garbage into the bundles to inflate price just completely removes any form of a "deal" they actually are. Saving 50% on stuff I'll never want or use isn't the most enticing deal.
  7. Developers forgot the concept of what a black friday is. How does the sales team green light these type of deals?
    DeFi-2Bar likes this.
  8. Friday, November 24th*
    How did any of this get the green light? 😂
  9. I sigh with deep regret that I still play this game. I guess I like the simplicity of hit and run for a couple of minutes in those moments where life is on hold…waiting for a train, stuck in traffic, in a boring teams meeting. Because that’s all it really is to me any more. Clan chat used to be alive and buzzing. But in every clan it’s just the same old momentary hand waves to say, hey clan appreciate your here. All that is ok. But these promos are just another reason not to play. It is a shame because I don’t want them to kill this game. Even if it is just a game for those moments.
    Cisco-the-Kid likes this.
  10. Their greed and determination to suckle the sagging tit dry knows no bounds.

  11. Can I sell my circles and crystals back for nobs?
  12. It is beyond sad that the Black Friday deals are still worse offers than the 2k nob deal. Even on the KaW store the closest relative value is 17 nobility which is difference of 15%

    If y’all are going to make offers at least stop adding in so much extra crap and ask what players want because there are a ton of offers in the store no one should ever buy because they are just a complete waste
  13. How about having nobility points handed out for prizes instead of having to pay real gold for them. Would make game a lot more exciting Can’t afford to spend real gold on a game. Get a clue devs!