LL rostering

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mahamatra, Oct 11, 2023.


Let us roster our own LL clans ?

  1. Yes

    26 vote(s)
  2. No

    13 vote(s)
  1. Hey guys it’s Tank. I don’t know where to start this thread. I honestly haven’t thought it out so why don’t we start at the beginning? Well as sad as it sounds I have some of my best memories on this game for the last 13 years. So many friends, events and I never get bored. What started my kaw addiction is ee. Back in the day having the highest prestige clan was the #1 flex. I remember I started my own Ee clan and spent hours recruiting in wc and was some of the best times of my life. It was fun to war with your friends and really made this game last so long. I have come to the realization that there will never be times like that again, and that’s okay. What I do ask is that in the ee rotation, we allow us to roster our own ll clans. It creates long-lasting memories and allows clans to be more united. I remember waring and everyone watched while 15 of us went at it and everyone wanted in. I think ee has been dry and needs a slight change. I’m not asking for a new war season just let us war with our friends and roster our teams a few times a week. I promise you it will be great for Kaw. In regards to getting more players active. Perhaps offering something of the sort, as pal plates per win. I dream every night of this happening and many players do too. It would be simple.

    If the devs implement this I think it would bring the kaw community great joy. I know this has been posted before what I ask for is a response from the devs on how we could do this. Do you want 500 votes, do you want us to pay 5$ to cast as a clan? Please show support if you agree.

    Edit- as people mentioned bring roster size to 7v7-10v10 this would have it be able to support many clans. You could have anything I think 10 nobs to cast, winning team gets 6 pal plates. The addition would bring many new people. We could try even 5v5 with 2 Xtals allowed.
    #1 Mahamatra, Oct 11, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2023
    SnowbIossom likes this.
  2. I believe they made LL signups only as LL participation was steeply declining and the emergence of "FFA" clans was too popular.

    Would love to see a change, though.
  3. +1 for ee getting some mixup. The current four style rotations is so dry and lopsided, it would be nice to get some variation. Rostered LL would be nice, the return of advantage KO opens up different strategies as well but it's hard to get my hopes up about any form of revitalization as it feels like the game is on life support as far as developments go 🥲
    Hebrews likes this.
  4. I agree with you on this there is a select few of us that enjoy ee. If participation is there or not. Let us enjoy making our own teams. Since I would more than likely run a clan I would love to help new people. I think warring with friends and clannies, would in fact bring up participation.
  5. Support maybe making clan size smaller 5v5 would be cool too
  6. I agree. I understand they don’t want to bring back season wars but just let us roster our own teams 2-4 times a week. It’s been the same rotation for years.
  7. I think this would solve the problem of not enough clans casting. Make it 7-9 people and allow 2 xtals in the hour.
  8. Yup. Same four wars, essentially the same strategies for each with slight variations, and apart from Indi bringing a few new faces in I'd say 80+% the same people warring each time. Leaderboards just the same few people and alts that are able to cast each war. Just feels incredibly stale.
  9. I also understand that the devs need to make money. Make it 20 nobs to cast. Everyone would cast and most people like me would pay 100 plus per ll roster cast. Make it drop pal plates as well to make it worth it win win.
  10. You should be able to roster your own team, however with the way kaw is nowadays it would be one or 2 teams winning every match
    Mahamatra likes this.
  11. 5v5 rosters allow 2 xtals. That should fix it a tad.
    LlghT likes this.
  12. Will say though I've been loving the idea of pal plates from ee, incentive to participate, as well as potential wars with >1 xtal cap. Could see that be a definite strategy mixup
  13. I support this 110%. I haven’t warred since the roster LL days. Best times ever
  14. A great idea but one that has been asked for before many many times, however I would say we would be back in the same situation as we were when devs stopped ll clans, it was stopped as we were down to the last 2 ll clans! If it were to be implemented devs would have to ensure it was policed properly which means work and as we all know that's not what they do best
  15. I agree make smaller rosters. Should fix it.
  16. Devs don’t pay any attention to wars any way, makes total sense to give the players more control…
  17. If the rewards for winning war were worth it too, the amount casting would increase.
  18. I fully support pal plates as rewards for winning wars.

    this will absolutely increase participation and create some very interesting rosters.

    hopefully devs actually listen to good ideas like this
  19. I know revenue is a big factor. War doesn’t generate revenue. There are ways that it could, however. One good option could be a monthly pass similar to Pimd with a $5 and $20 option, so it appeals to most everyone. There can be factors in the pass that making winning wars more appealing, causing people to try harder and more people to cast. Also, another simple change could be 0 tokens for a loss, 600 for a win. Divers are important as well, and should not be rewarded based off their successful actions.