👑 Tournament of Kingdoms 🚩

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Jace, Sep 5, 2023.

  1. Tournament of Kingdoms


    Are you not entertained!? The kingdom has been selected to host the prestigious Tournament of Kingdoms. This gladiatorial tradition pits the most powerful nations in the lands against each other! Bloody battles await heroic champions as they look to bring honor to their homelands!

    Can your gladiators best the competition and bring glory to the kingdom?

    This event consists of a primary Legend and multiple extra Legends available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side-Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed. Completing every tier of the Main Legend will also award a Tournament Host's Banner.

    This event will be available from Wednesday, September 6th until Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 at noon PT.

    Exclusive Furnishings

    Furnishings exclusive to Tournament of Kingdoms will be available in the Furnishings Shop, Gladiator Box, and Royal Gladiator Box.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Additionally to celebrate Kingdoms at Wars approaching 14th anniversary there is a special 14-Year Anniversary Chest avalible during this event, it can be found in the Marketplace (limited quanitities), from completing Main event Legend tiers or as rewards from special competitions!



    During the Tournament of Kingdoms their will be 3 rotating competitions: Epic Battle Blitz, Plunder Battle and Kingdom Battle Blitz.

    Starting with Epic Battle Blitz at 1 PM PST, competitions will start every 2 hours and run for 4 hour durations.

    Their will also be 2 competitions running for the duration of the event related to earning Champions Coins from the above competitions to support either the Hoarfrost or Fatesands Kingdoms.

    Hoarforst VS Fatesands Rivalry

    The Hoarfrost and Fatesands Kingdoms are known to have a fierce rivalry when it comes to the Tournament of Kingdoms. So much so that their main focus is to place higher than the other instead of winning the tournament. While your Kingdom is predicted to be crowned the winner, both Hoarfrost and Fatesands have reached out to your kingdom to assist them in their rivalry.
    During this event you'll be able to choose which Kingdom you wish to support and earn Champions Coins to assist them.
    Earn 1 Champion's Coin through Competitions for either Kingdom to prove your allegiance and you'll be rewarded with a Tournament Banner of that Kingdom.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Once a kingdoms tournament banner is obtained a special competition will unlock to see who can earn the most Champion's Coins for their supported Kingdom. These include special rewards including Fatesand and Hoarfrost Trophies, 14-Year Anniversary Chests and even a Champion's Royal Beast Box.
    Hoarfrost and Fatesands Trophies are tradeable and will combine with each other to form an even stronger Host Kingdom Trophy.

    At the end of the event, Hoarfrost or Fatesands will be declared the winner based on which sides allies has earned the most Champion's Coins. The winning sides supporters will be rewarded with their Kingdoms Tournament Banner being upgraded with stronger stats for all those who contributed Champion's Coins.

    Let the games begin and may the best Kingdom win!
    #1 ATA-Jace, Sep 5, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2023
  2. Is there a way to track each teams progress?
  3. So what was them maps for ?
  4. They unlocked a short side legend last event that dropped a plunder chest upon completion
  5. A little more depth, not bad
  6. Soooo you’re selling us the equivalent of a palace chest for 10 nobs and then we spend another 15 nobs for the w/f/b that’s inside it🤔
    Palace chests were barely worth the 15, let alone 25.
  7. And also why start competitions that can potentially earn a champions token well before the competition that counts said tokens into your prize level?
    -DeadSoul- and hippy like this.
  8. I like ATA trying out new things. Gg.
  9. So...is the only use in stacking coins a single level upgrade if your color wins and a pet box for the top 5? Or will the banner be upgradeable with coins and the winning color gets an additional level? Seems kinda pointless to push leaderboards on the competitions if the only purpose is *maybe* your banner will get an upgrade if your team wins?
  10. Well… some work will certainly needed to be done on this system but at least your mixing things up.
  11. Please bring more banners 🙏🙏
  12. I suggest not counting the use of items in epic battle blitz competitions. Players are just sitting there doing The Depraved for four hours 😂😂
  13. Like the event! Competitions however need to cap the item points to 300. it’s not worth anyone trying to do it legitimately 😂🙏.
  14. I noticed gold bars being dropped, which is sweet
  15. KaW missed the most important in this event. The competition between two teams. Not knowing if blue or red team is winning is like watching a game without score, an absent leader board discourage people to really engage in event ( also,why waste xtals for so meager reward?). It’s a competition for top 5 win a banana, and top 16 win 1 or 2 pal plates. So… how is gonna be? A coin toss to decide winner?The devs mood at the end? I know you can count KaW, because you do it all the time. Transparency Is the best policy.
  16. Transparency! An odd concept that the devs unfortunately cannot comprehend, to be transparent takes effort and a little honesty both of which kaw devs lack in! If kaw were transparent we would see who cheats, we see who is leaking in war, we would see so much more but unfortunately it will never happen because there is no recourse for the devs, send a ticket and they don't like it they close the ticket, send a help request and mostly ignored! It's kaw learn to live with the devs because they won't improve any time soon
    Emross likes this.
  17. Just to give players an update about the current team standings while there is a bit of time left, the Fatesands team is currently leading over the Hoarfrost.

    We've sent out a couple of notices also giving periodic updates for the teams progress but understand the frustration related to not being able to exactly track how each team is doing throughout the event with more precision.
    While players could gauge a teams progress by trying to count the total coins each team had through their Leaderboards, we know its not a great solution that required lots of manual counting and required access to both teams competitions to compare.

    We're happy with the general sentiment of players enjoying the team vs team mechanics, and we'll look for ways to better display teams progress for any future versions this type of event to make following the action more exciting!

    As always we do appreciate the feedback and while we cant respond to everything, we do read them and look to make improvements when possible. :)
    RAZOR and MH-StealthGoat like this.
  18. When can we expect to find out the winners? 🙂
    Asta-kun and The_Cowboy_MaCHiNE like this.
  19. My biggest concern is the fairness of this event. Given players could choose whichever “team” they wanted to be on, there is no way in hades you will convince me the teams were even. With that said, this also means rewarding the winning team is based purely on a coin flip whether you chose the team with the most players or most active players. Even EE matchups have better odds of a fair matchup….and that’s saying something🌚
  20. Who won? 🙄