Random things you love about Kaw

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AboveAverageGamer, Aug 19, 2023.

  1. As much as I hate how this game is now there's always random things to enjoy. Be that a glitch, player, trick etc.

    One that popped to mind was the totally random wall art of @Arian-the-Black. For no reason. Without any favour. Just random wall art. Love it. Thanks for bringing your random interesting self and adding to the tapestry of the culture (that the Devs seemingly keep trying to beat out of the game)
  2. From the lack of enthusiasm for this post it would seem there is not actually much that people love about this game, the older players play it out of habit, the not so old play it because they still live in the hope they may one day compete to join alb, olb, and noobs are still getting to grips with how many hoops they have to jump thru to gain almost nothing! What's to love in a game that the development team is hell bent on destroying!
  3. To be fair...forums are a gravesite now. They used to be hopping but almost noone comes on them. That the game doesn't notify you when someone replies doesn't help

    And not saying the game isn't ****. Just that there are some random things I do like. Say for example the extra hits you gain with certain buildings on. Or being able to get two steals in on the first rehen from 0 when any other takes.away the whole regen.

    Or the people that randomly give away their own items to do quizzes. Etc etc.

    Culture is almost dead. There's still some relationships from the old days I enjoy.
  4. I love how little care and effort the developers put into this game…it’s almost as if they were all awarded trophies as children for finishing in 4th place.

    I’d say more but figured I’d channel my inner developer and put no more effort into this response…🤷‍♂️
  5. Laced with sarcasm noted lol

    Though the question was, and perhaps illrephrase now, aside from how crap the games gotten and how the Devs are at fixing issues or actually developing things we want causing you to hate the game....what are the things you love that keep you tapping and staying here outside of all the hate of the game and Devs? ☺️
    #5 AboveAverageGamer, Sep 1, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2023
  6. I like getting other perspectives and insights into different countries and culture.