⚓️Curse of The Jolly Raptor⚓️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Jace, Aug 4, 2023.

  1. Curse of The Jolly Raptor


    Set sail on a daring quest within the Grand Coral Reef to find the fabled shipwreck, The Jolly Raptor, once helmed by the legendary Captain Rosalind Bladeheart. But be warned! Amidst the captivating beauty of the reef lie the perils of the open ocean.

    Will you unravel the reef's mysteries and secure the legacy of Rosalind Bladeheart before it's lost to the depths forever?

    This event consists of a primary Legend and an extra Legend available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side-Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed.

    This event will be available from Wednesday, August 9th until Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023 at noon PT.

    Updated Main Legend Tiers

    This event features some updates to the main stories Legend rewards, from increasing gold given, updating the Land Plates distributed at certain tiers and even including a new 10th tier adding additional rewards to players who collect 100,000 collection items!

    Exclusive Furnishings

    Furnishings exclusive to Curse of The Jolly Raptor will be available in the Furnishings Shop, Reef Box, and Royal Reef Box.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Bladeheart's Treasure

    There's a old pirates tale told around these parts of Captain Rosalind Bladeheart's hidden treasure. Buried long ago, this fabled fortune can only be found via map. Many locals say they have ran across pieces of this map over the years but nobody has ever fully assembled it. Pay attention during your adventures for any parchments for if you can assemble the treasure map you might have a real hunt on your hands!

    New Competition Update

    Last event saw the end of our first iteration of month long competitions. We're now reviewing the results of this new stucture to competitions and while we've heard overall positive feedback to them, we will be holding off a bit longer to iterate and adjust them before potentially running them again.

    We still have competitions planned for future events including Curse of The Jolly Raptor, for the duration of this event player can look forward to PVP and PVE focused competitions starting at 1 PM PST from the event start.
    Each event will last 4 hours and as soon as one competition ends another will begin.
    #1 ATA-Jace, Aug 4, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2023
  2. Overall positive feedback on the month long competitions? I'm very curious about that.

    I won 2 top10 rewards in those competitions and I was never asked for any feedback, so I'm very curious as to who you asked and what they said....🤔
    Sihaya and Kevin77eleven like this.
  3. I filled out the survey and I have it 1 star for all!!!! More of the same tap this do that use an xtal blah blah blah
  4. I personally liked the competitions ,it added Something else… another reason to tap tap tap. the baron box rewards really helped with the banners. it take soo much to get a level now since the drops from them are low but I could see it actually getting closer after those!. Great idea to but the things that build the baron box’s into maybe the 60k or something in the future.. left the window open for a lot!. This event looks great too! The higher rewards like the 37k items giving 50 fatesand plates is a great bonus and will help a lot of smaller player catch up! Awesome work ATA 🙌🏻🔥
    X-PrincessFiia-X, Hebrews and Thrawn like this.
  5. No Support
    AboveAverageGamer and Sihaya like this.
  6. Boooooooo
    AboveAverageGamer likes this.
  7. Got screwed out of top100 for war last event, not only was there a war with 20 successful actions that got 0 victory tokens, then they turned off the 10pm and 3am war, then turned back on the 3am war at 1am… like why?
  8. Why is it so hard to get a new pet?? 😕
    I'm so bored looking at my bloody pet cow 🤧
    -H4RDB4NDiT- and Kevin77eleven like this.
  9. Devs this is awesome improvement!!! Maybe up the amount of gold again. 2.25t isn’t much haha. It’s pocket change. But I LOVE that y’all added plates to the legends. Next step is to bring out a new eb that’s maybe not as hard as noth but still Drops pallumen
    Lord2Gunz likes this.
  10. probably referring to the 30 second surveys?
  11. I don't think noth is the problem. The main issue is the gap between both and AOTA is massive, and 100k without hopping is nearly impossible for most clans. There's about 1200-1300 people between 60k and 100k last event, with only about 350-400 people total reaching 100k. If nothing gets done to make the 100k goal plausible for an average size player of average activity, the gap will only get bigger and bigger, faster and faster.
    Bada-Bing_Bada-Boom likes this.
  12. I didn't get a survey for the comps, and even if I did that's not somewhere I can really put my full thoughts in🤷‍♂️
  13. The epic battle blitz comp needs tweeked. Items should not be counted. Many that chase top10 do nothing but run depraved kill items ff then run again
  14. I’m now able to see the rewards for the 100k items. They are worth it imo!. the lamp of destiny is there to help boost clan gold from EB’s and should please the ‘I don’t spend a penny crew’. it’s a great improvement, but also can see how most clans will not make it and cause then to have people hop.. therefore possibly killing more clan.. and losing your player base.. tweaks like a clan based item boost would be great.. for every event imo. But glad to see new things!.. thank you!
  15. Can you increase the token rewards & Pal Plates?
    I noticed that not all completed Eb received a royal box reward, even when using xtals, why is that? On another note can we have a better looking pet? One of the event pet looks like it come out from a gross horror movie. Suggestion can you increase the royal box bundle to 10 or more?
  16. How do you view the rewards from tiers you haven't reached yet?
  17. I've said it before and I'll say it again: clan loyalty needs to be rewarded and hopping should be discouraged. Encouraging and rewarding hopping only hurts clans in the long run because they won't have enough stable, loyal members left to draw in the hoppers to finish the eb (of the hoppers are even active enough).
  18. Yeah I agree.. clans are getting destroyed by making it only possible to grow by hopping…
  19. What do the maps do?
  20. 👆👆👆👆many are asking, can't wait to get a response.