The Project to end it all

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by IIIIIIIIIIII__Z__IIIIIIIIIIII, Apr 28, 2023.

  1. It was created in violence.

    It was created in pain.

    It was created in destruction.

    The fighters. The spies. The destroyers.

    Throughout time they have existed for a singular purpose.

    To strip. To fight. To war.

    To bring suffering.

    It’s birth, it’s name, is a sign of the end.

    Project Z

    We have no loyalty except to our integrity.

    We fight. We war.

    For anyone who pays us.

    Have a target and want spy support?

    Stripping your farm?

    We are here.

    Find us.

    Pay us.

    And you will have our spies and our crystals.

    No matter who you are. Old enemies? Old friends?

    New players? Veterans?

    Pay us. And you will have us.

    We are

    🔥Project Z🔥
  2. MERC’s for hire. Love it.