I agree there are concerns. What it comes down to though is that if we want ASW, we’re going to have to show support for it. This post is here for that very reason. So let’s leave all negativity out of it and focus on the opportunities that we DO have. Yes, the rules from prior ASW will likely apply. That’s not the part we’ve got to sort. We are trying to reach a consensus between the player base and ATA; that’s what we’ve got to do. It comes down to if players who are interested but can’t be bothered to show support, it’s NOT going to happen. If we get the support, it MIGHT. A possibility is far better than nothing at all.
Another asw would be great again, it’s the main reason people would build all year round and give people something to look forward to and work towards, I think however devs need to be online during matching and tweak their platform for matchmaking
I fully support this ..ASW has been the backbone of kaw since it's beginning and if this is what it takes to revive it then I'm in....FULL SUPPORT 🔥
Although I support the idea in principle however the Devs would need to implement match ups and restrictions! Otherwise we will see the top 50 alb/charms/ furniture guys vrs the rest ! I find it odd that the Devs can't even do a normal war day match up let alone support a community based event !
Support. Some devs will need to be around for manual inputs to fix bugs because their automated algorithm often fails in normal EE wars
We need a whole lot more support than this guys n gals. I’d guess 250+ supporters will get us somewhere. Y’all help out!
It's just ridiculous to me that kaw does not have any developers left to do anything anymore. And it's even more ridiculous that players willingly accept low standards that they provide. Btw @ATAWill, @ATA-Jace I assume you guys are fairly well versed with Kingdoms at war, considering you both are Community Managers or Developers or whatever your title is... If the players don't have even a single tournament throughout the whole year, what are we, as players even upgrading our Kingdoms for?
How about find a way for the devs to make a profit off of all-star wars? Something like pay for spell? They're all about making money!
devs, i know yall are controlled by corporate overlords and have to be solely profit driven, but please understand that a happy/competitive community will be happy to spend. ASW is something that all players can look forward to, and it pushes players to grow as much as they can, therefore spending more money. its a win-win situation, please ATA just please
Always remember that ATA once removed All Star Wars. I fought for their return. the trash mods that remained forgot to remind you all, I brought them back. It still seems like a joke compared to the 2009 wars. Enjoy!
unfortunately in kaw, as in life, nothing remains as it was back when, adjusting to changes for some is sometimes more difficult than not.