
Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Apr 10, 2023.

  1. Cumly asked me to post stuff in forums. Here it is.

    swolja likes this.
  2. 💖🥰 keep the good stuff cumming 💖🥰
  3. Low effort plz delete lol

  4. My internal trauma when it cums to forums, and what they used to be to what they are now causes me great pain.

    I fight inner demons just to OPEN the forums, let alone to write in them.


    Low effort? LOW EFFORT!?

    LOW!? EFFORT?!? How would you know how much effort I put into this?! I used like 1000 effort points just you say your name, Cumly.

    I think you’re an imposter, TBH. The real Cumly would respect the amount of effort I put in.

    What a disgrace.