Chest and Furnishing Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by JEDI-MAESTRO, May 3, 2019.

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  1. Box of the Breach

    Box of the Breach


    Event: Clash of the Elements
    Date Released: 11/23/22

    "Reports abound from all over the kingdom of portals opening from other worlds. Creatures of air, earth, fire, and water are invading, leaving devastation in their wake.

    Can you stop the rampaging elements, seal the portals, and create a lasting peace before it's too late?"


    Fun Fact: This Event was for Black Friday week. Each day had a separate and unique Daily Side Legend.

    Box of the Breach Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Elementalphant (Top 10)
    ➩ Throne
    Throne of Ice
    ➩ Weapon
    Potions of Azure Unicorn's Breath
    ➩ Armor
    Flying Snowcat Sculpture
    ➩ Helmet
    Snow Tornado
    ➩ Chandelier
    Snow Stormcloud
    ➩ Dais
    Cloud Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Shocking Pillars of Ice
    ➩ Pet Food
    Ice Gryphon Sculpture
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Frost Feathers
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Shocking Icicle Sword
    ➩ Rug
    Carpet of Frosted Lightning
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Fancy Ice Friend
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Floating Ice Rose
    ➩ Walls
    Frozen Waterfall Wall
    Snowy Lightning Chamber Wall
    Ice Wall and Lightning Table

    ➩ Floor
    Crackling Ice Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Banner of Frozen Lightning
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Activated Elemental Seal
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #321 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2022
  2. Box of the Breach Set

    Box of the Breach Furnishing Set



    #322 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
  3. Box of the Sealed Gate

    Box of the Sealed Gate


    Event: Clash of the Elements
    Date Released: 11/23/22

    "Reports abound from all over the kingdom of portals opening from other worlds. Creatures of air, earth, fire, and water are invading, leaving devastation in their wake.

    Can you stop the rampaging elements, seal the portals, and create a lasting peace before it's too late?"


    Fun Fact: This Event was for Black Friday week. Each day had a separate and unique Daily Side Legend.

    Box of the Sealed Gate Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Elementalphant (Top 10)
    Rosie the Chimera Cub
    ➩ Throne
    Throne of Lava
    ➩ Weapon
    Potions of Inferno Dragon's Breath
    ➩ Armor
    Vine Dragon Sculpture
    ➩ Helmet
    Bowl of Burning Lava
    ➩ Chandelier
    Burning Wisteria Lantern
    ➩ Dais
    Dais of Magma
    ➩ Pillars
    Pillars of Fire
    ➩ Pet Food
    Fire Basin
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Fire Lilies
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Flame Thorn Whip
    ➩ Rug
    Burning Coals Carpet
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Magma Phoenix Sculpture
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Obsidian Flame Rose
    ➩ Walls
    Wall of Lava
    Molten Greenery Chamber Wall
    Lava Wall and Molten Rock Table

    ➩ Floor
    Burning Grass Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Banner of Lava
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Activated Elemental Seal
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #323 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  4. Box of the Sealed Gate Set

    Box of the Sealed Gate Furnishing Set



    #324 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
  5. Stargazer's Box and Celestial Bodies Box

    Stargazer's Box and Celestial Bodies Box


    Event: Clash of the Elements
    Date Released: 11/23/22

    "Reports abound from all over the kingdom of portals opening from other worlds. Creatures of air, earth, fire, and water are invading, leaving devastation in their wake.

    Can you stop the rampaging elements, seal the portals, and create a lasting peace before it's too late?"


    Fun Fact: This Event was for Black Friday week. These Chests were given as rewards for various purchases in the Marketplace, some of which gave a Chest to the entire Clan (termed "Buddy Boxes" from PIMD.)

    Stargazer's Box and Celestial Bodies Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Elementalphant (Top 10)
    Moon Ray
    ➩ Throne
    Throne of the Cosmos
    ➩ Weapon
    Stargazer's Cloak
    ➩ Armor
    Star Nectar
    ➩ Helmet
    Stargazer's Astrolabe
    ➩ Chandelier
    Falling Star Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Meteor Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Stargazer's Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Celestial Ball
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Black Eclipse Lyre
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Astronomer's Statuette
    ➩ Rug
    Aurora Carpet
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Stargazer's Orrery
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Starviewing Scope
    ➩ Walls
    Stargazer's Throne Room Wall
    Chamber of Stars Wall
    Stargazer's Study Wall and Table

    ➩ Floor
    Stargazer's Universal Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Star-Sprinkled Banner
    EB Items
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Quintessence Fragments
    Heaven's Smile Card**
    Used Heaven's Smile Card**
    Upgrade Materials
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    **This Item helped boost Epic and Legendary furnishing slot pieces.

    #325 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2022
  6. Stargazer's Set

    Stargazer's Set



    #326 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
  7. Box of Elemental Beasts

    Box of Elemental Beasts


    Event: Clash of the Elements
    Date Released: 11/23/22

    "Reports abound from all over the kingdom of portals opening from other worlds. Creatures of air, earth, fire, and water are invading, leaving devastation in their wake.

    Can you stop the rampaging elements, seal the portals, and create a lasting peace before it's too late?"


    Fun Fact: This Event was for Black Friday week. These Chests were able to be bought in the Marketplace, and when opened, gave shards to transform into one of four elemental Pets.

    Box of Elemental Beasts Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Azure Unicorn
    Swamp Unicorn
    Inferno Dragon
    Tidal Dragon
    ➩ Throne
    ➩ Weapon
    ➩ Armor
    ➩ Helmet
    ➩ Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    ➩ Rug
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    ➩ Walls
    ➩ Floor
    ➩ Banner
    EB Items
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Cloud Spirit
    Marsh Grindylow
    Rain Sprite
    Flame Dancer
    Event Collection Item*
    Upgrade Materials

    Elemental Beasts

    Elemental Beasts



    #327 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
  8. Schnapphorn Box

    Schnapphorn Box


    Event: The Tale of the Schnapphorn
    Date Released: 11/30/22

    "You have received a plea for aid from the snow-covered mountains of Eskerith Reach. The remote village of Frostheim has seen every single child within its borders go missing.

    Village elders suspect that a mythical monster is behind these kidnappings. It is up to you to seek the truth and recover the missing children before it is too late!"


    Fun Fact: This Event was Christmas themed and included a Holiday Banner for players that completed the three Side Legends.

    Banner of the Festive Kingdom

    Schnapphorn Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Eskerith Reindeer (Top 10)
    The Schnapphorn
    ➩ Throne
    Frostheim Storyteller's Seat
    ➩ Weapon
    Festive Warrior's Wreath
    Cursed Tree of Taking

    ➩ Armor
    Frostheim Gift Box
    ➩ Helmet
    Frostheim Crafted Toys
    ➩ Chandelier
    Frostheim Village Chandelier
    Festive Bauble Chandelier

    ➩ Dais
    Frostheim Village Festive Dais
    Frostheim Village Dais

    ➩ Pillars
    Frostheim Village Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Wintry Ornament
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Festive Hunter's Trophy
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Gingerbread Village
    ➩ Rug
    Frostheim Village Carpet
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Festive Tree, Left
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Festive Tree, Right
    ➩ Walls
    Frostheim Village Wall
    Frostheim Village Square
    Frostheim Village Workshop
    ➩ Floor
    Frostheim Village Floor
    Frostheim Village Festive Floor

    ➩ Banner
    Frostheim Village Garland
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol

    EB Items
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Stop the Schnapphorn!

    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet

    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #328 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2024
  9. Schnapphorn Set

    Schnapphorn Set



    #329 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
  10. Festive Gift Box

    Festive Gift Box


    Released for Christmas during the "Festivities in Frostheim" Event
    Date Released: 12/13/22

    "Tis the season of giving and for this occasion there is a new chest that can be purchased from the marketplace and given to friends! From now until the end of the event, players can purchase a Festive Gift Box Present which will contain a piece of furnishings from past events.

    This box cannot be opened by the purchaser but can be traded. Once traded the box will become a Festive Gift Box which can be opened but cannot be traded anymore (no re-gifting this present!)

    *Note: Players can only hold 1 Festive Gift Box Present at a time and cannot trade it to someone currently holding a Festive Gift Box Present as well."

    This box does not include any top 10 reward pets, war furniture, promo furnishings, or crossover Event furnishings.

    Festive Gift Box Contents

    Possible Drops

    A piece of furniture from previous Event Reward Chests released between the July 3, 2019 Event, "A Change in the Ranks," and the December 30, 2020 Event, "The Siege of Mt. Omenar."

    #330 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
  11. Gingerbread Box

    Gingerbread Box


    Event: Festivities in Frostheim
    Date Released: 12/14/22

    "You have succeeded in your mission to capture the Schnapphorn and rescue the children of Frostheim. In gratitude for your deeds, the village folk have invited you to join in celebrating their midwinter traditions.

    The little mountain village has come alive with festive activities for you to partake in. Carve an ice sculpture, listen to the storytelling...and work with the villagers to craft the largest edible castle ever built!"


    Fun Fact: This Event was Candy themed and included another Holiday Banner and three Stat Items for players that completed the three Side Legends. There was also a Tradable Festive Gift Box that could only be opened by the Player to whom it was traded.

    Banner of the Merry Conqueror

    Dragon Ice Sculpture (Easy) | Frostheim Feast (Medium) | Blessed Festive Lantern (Hard)

    Gingerbread Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Mythical Candycorn (Top 10)
    Gingerbread Golem
    ➩ Throne
    Frostheim Sweet Seat
    Frostheim Cone Throne

    ➩ Weapon
    Frostheim Peppermint Pickaxe
    ➩ Armor
    Frostheim Dessert Ice
    ➩ Helmet
    Frosted Dragon Statue
    ➩ Chandelier
    Frostheim Sweet Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Frostheim Frosted Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Frostheim Coupledcake Pillars
    Frostheim Palace Pillars

    ➩ Pet Food
    Wounded Gingerbread Man
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Winter Festival Lantern
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Frostheim Palace Miniature
    ➩ Rug
    Rainbow Frostheim Road
    Sweet Ribbon Road

    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Sower Jewel of Frostheim
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Saccharine Jewel of Frostheim
    ➩ Walls
    Frostheim Wafer Wall
    Frostheim Confectioner's Chamber Wall
    Frostheim Confectioner's Workshop Wall
    Frostheim Candy Counter Workshop Wall
    ➩ Floor
    Pavlova Pillow Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Frostheim Peppermint Pennant
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest

    Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Build a Palace of Sweets!

    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet

    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #331 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2024
  12. Gingerbread Set

    Gingerbread Set



    #332 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2023
  13. Box of the Deithe Fiannai

    Box of the Deithe Fiannai


    Event: Sanguine Sacrifice
    Date Released: 12/28/22

    "Reports abound of strange activity in the forests. The Deithe Fiannai, typically content with animal sacrifices this season, demand human sacrifices and in massive quantities.

    Can you determine the cause of this sudden bloodthirst? Is there even a way to stop it?"


    Fun Fact: This Event saw the return of the Deithe Fiannai forest elves first introduced at the beginning of Event Chests and Furnishings in the Autumnal Chest.

    Box of the Deithe Fiannai Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Biorna the Musical Bear (Top 10)
    ➩ Throne
    Throne of the Deithe Fiannai
    ➩ Weapon
    Sacred Hunting Bow
    ➩ Armor
    Broken Hart
    Sacrificial List

    ➩ Helmet
    Blood Offering
    ➩ Chandelier
    Chandelier of the Hunt
    ➩ Dais
    Stonework Runic Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Stonework Runic Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Skulls of the Sacrificed
    Ritual Stone
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Amulet of the Deithe Fiannai
    Moss-Strewn Antlers
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Destroyed Harp of the Goddess
    ➩ Rug
    Blood Ritual Circle
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Sacrificial Offering
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Sacrificial Dagger
    ➩ Walls
    Wall of the Hunt
    Stonework Runic Wall
    Wall of Sacrifice
    Stone-Hewn Wall and Runic Table
    ➩ Floor
    Stonework Runic Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Banner of the Deithe Fiannai
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Audience with the Goddess
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet

    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #333 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2024
  14. Deithe Fiannai Set

    Deithe Fiannai Set



    #334 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
  15. Infernal Box

    Infernal Box


    Event: A Bloody Harvest
    Date Released: 1/11/23

    "Thanna reports Leidamea, disguised as a new goddess, offered power to the Deithe Fiannai in return for greater blood sacrifices. As per usual, the demon trickster gave them a bad deal and is draining the gods of their worship to increase her own power.

    Can you stop Leidamea's machinations before she destroys an entire pantheon?"


    Fun Fact: This Event saw the return of Leidamea in the form of a new goddess.

    Infernal Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Shimmerscale (Top 10)
    Lobus the Large
    ➩ Throne
    Leidamea's Throne
    ➩ Weapon
    Demonic Whip
    Knuckle Duster Knife
    ➩ Armor
    Leidamea's Spellbook
    ➩ Helmet
    Hungry Imp Trap
    Infernal Trove
    ➩ Chandelier
    Leidamea's Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Leidamea's Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Leidamea's Curtains
    ➩ Pet Food
    Infernal Imp Trap
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Blessed Garrote
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Drained Deity's Amulet
    ➩ Rug
    Leidamea's Carpet
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Crown of the Drained Queen
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Demonic Gem
    Necrotic Leaves
    ➩ Walls
    Leidamea's Throne Room Wall
    Wall of the Corrupted Forest
    Leidamea's Chamber Wall
    Leidamea's Workshop Wall
    ➩ Floor
    Leidamea's Throne Room Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Leidamea's Banner
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Amulet of the Drained Gods
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet

    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #335 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2024
  16. Infernal Set

    Infernal Set



    #336 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
  17. Frosted Caravan Box

    Frosted Caravan Box


    Event: Without Rime or Reason
    Date Released: 1/25/23

    "Rumors have been swelling about caravans near the Hoarfrost Lands being attacked by unknown assailants. Curiously, nothing of value has been looted from the caravans, but everyone in them has been kidnapped!

    You must investigate these reports and bring back any survivors from what is surely a horrific fate."


    Fun Fact: This Event offered an Event Chest Bundle for a one time purchase in the Marketplace.


    Frosted Caravan Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Hasko (Top 10)
    Great Horned Owl Beast
    ➩ Throne
    Usurper's Throne
    ➩ Weapon
    Map of Attack Sites
    ➩ Armor
    Caravan Plunder
    Rune Necklace

    ➩ Helmet
    Jade Dagger of the Bear
    ➩ Chandelier
    Crystalline Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Ancient Rime Elf Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Veins of Frost
    Ancient Rime Elf Pillars

    ➩ Pet Food
    Humming Runes
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Broken Caravan Wheel
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Unearthed Rune
    ➩ Rug
    Ancient Rime Elf Carpet
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    The Hoarfrost Usurper
    Kiteinen Stone
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Shaman's Raven
    ➩ Walls
    Ancient Rime Elf Throne Room Wall
    Ancient Rime Elf Chamber Wall
    Ancient Rime Elf Workshop Wall
    ➩ Floor
    Ancient Rime Elf Throne Room Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Usurper's Banner
    Raven's Haul
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Elven Hair
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet

    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #337 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2024
  18. Frosted Caravan Set

    Frosted Caravan Set



    #338 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
  19. Ancient Rime Elf Box

    Ancient Rime Elf Box


    Event: An Ancient Threat
    Date Released: 2/8/23

    "Possession and madness have taken the minds of rime elves near the Hoarfrost Lands! It seems an unseen force of ancient magic is commanding them to attack nearby villages. Amidst the chaos, Spymaster Thanna has disappeared to pursue a secretive goal.

    You must stop the source of this malevolent magic by any means necessary."


    Fun Fact: This Event continued with the theme of the Hoarfrost land area..

    Ancient Rime Elf Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Frosty Lion (Top 10)
    Hoarfrost Drake
    ➩ Throne
    Solium Aureum
    Azure Throne
    ➩ Weapon
    Rime Elf Battleaxe
    ➩ Armor
    Rime Elf General's Helmet
    ➩ Helmet
    Legend of the Usurper King
    ➩ Chandelier
    Hoarfrost Icicles
    ➩ Dais
    Usurper King's Dais
    Bluestone Dais

    ➩ Pillars
    Usurper King's Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Golden Leaf Pile
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Jeweled Rime Elf Necklace
    Uhrata Dagger
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Crescent Moon Artifact
    ➩ Rug
    Usurper King's Carpet
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    The Hoarfrost Crystal
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Arcticmane Statue
    ➩ Walls
    Usurper King's Wall
    Frosted Cave Wall
    Hoarfrost Marble Workshop Wall
    Golden Marble Workshop Wall
    ➩ Floor
    Usurper King's Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Golden Leaf Chandelier
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Crushed Rune Dust
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet

    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #339 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2024
  20. Ancient Rime Elf Set

    Ancient Rime Elf Set



    #340 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 10, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
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