ASW Announcement

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Sep 24, 2022.

  1. ATA have had published many articles on community based gaming and the unbelievable continued success of kaw over the years, building a war game around a chat app. Well you are still here ATA because of us! You need to listen to the strength of feeling the community is demonstrating here re ASW and engage with us again and re-consider your decision not to run ASW 2022.
    I would like to see you back soon Ice....
  2. FYI everyone . If you get silenced in world chat. Perfectly acceptable for you to talk in cc for eb. Completely silenced if you happen to sign up for the wars
    #82 Lysiteles_Livius, Oct 2, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2022
  3. The only thing you guys added in the last 12 years on this game are only lands! There is no excitement to play this game anymore!
    If I have to play against a bot and click attack attack and ass ass until my bar goes to zero, and I have to spend money in this game to get seals or chim so I can get more gold…… oh well this is not a game for many of us anymore!
  4. UUUUUM... the problems u mentioned--are with ALL WARS WILL!!
    so that mean ALL wars
    gonna go away soon...?...? AAAAAAAAND
    I Called this one coming Over a year ago!!
    Old school players--remember the GREAT game...
    💠Future Combat/Patriots at War💠...
    If u do.... u remember the shut down of it as well!!
    Ray flippin' Charles could see this shut down coming----just like they did FC!

    Just pull the freaking plug now DEV'S, And end the misery for us all instead of having to wait for your next great game to develop--like ya did with "Meego's" !!!
    ((I believe that was that stuuooopid games name))

    Long Live....... US!!!!
    Screwballs 2 U DEVZZZ
    #84 -lll-_SpYNuTs_-lll-, Oct 2, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2022
  5. It just keeps getting more & more🖕no more complete 1 eb to get a box, complete now many different task to get a box. Kaw is 13 years old now starting with the first ASW 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ????😱,] -> 22&23in2023😵‍💫maybe?, ????🤮, ????👎 2026, ????bull💩. come on kaw devs designers programmer teams & co! don’t you see that you are not keeping your kaw game website in order anymore?? earn free nobs right now from ata queens stupid offerwall & that is not so important for most of us now! did you remember your meegos game & city rampage game? you close down those websites ! We all kaw warriors who found and sign in to your kaw game website, WE R THE ENGINE WHICH KEEPS YOUR GAME UP ALIVE & GOING! if we all stop playing & stop financially supporting your game because you are not making your kaw website in no way suitable for us warriors to enjoy playing & supporting then you can might as well completely delete your kaw game website too. LONG LIVE K@W WARRIORS. long live kaw warriors long live kaw warriors🧨💣🥷🤴🏻🫅🏻👸🏻🧌🧜🏻‍♂️🏹🏹🏹
  6. Could the problems hightlighted be significantly reduced by...

    The short version

    - Extending the asw season by having qualification war campaign in the month of September
    - Holding ASW for a 2 weeks time frame in October month for qualified warriors

    The details

    This can be customized from FIFA World Cup or an e-game world event and planned together with KAW community


    Frame ASW based on existing mechanisms in the game.

    Set rules to conduct the ASW based on what the game and your team capabilities can reasonably handle


    Dont take away an Annual Event involving wars from players playing a game called Kingdoms at War.
  7. Release the code Will
    RadarChef likes this.
  8. I was really looking forward to asw this year. Was even going to take time off work…..
  9. i’m usually positive but…. wow

    it genuinely hurts to see what you’re doing to to this game
  10. Part of warring is causing people to be upset and them sending tickets is a sign it’s working 😂 bring asw back 🙌 will cry and send feedback if I lose tho
    xWarRocketAJAXx and Thrawn like this.
  11. Lack of any response at all from the devs to this thread illustrates either, a) they don't care, or b) this game is fully automated now. Guess that explains what happened to asw.
  12. We want better EE war rewards and more types of wars. EE is getting boring 😭:(:(
    -HAWK- likes this.
  13. something to add to this. I feel like most of the people who would like to war for ASW won’t mind if it takes multiple weeks. As long as it is on the weekend. Do matching making for 5 hours. Make us be in a clan for a week. Give us activities like fastest clan to defeat haunting gets 5xtal. Then on the Friday start the countdown for war.

    It makes all of us feel like y’all don’t care. It’s been like that for a long time. Look at my tickets of the up and down I have had with this game. Devs there has been only a few games that have the same community like us.

    To the community

    I think we seriously need to actually need to start taking actions. We should seriously not spend any money in the month of November(include offerwall). This could kill the game, but I’d there any other things we could do?
  14. I wouldn't mind but I remember a dev posting 2 years ago about exciting upcoming projects, which never happened. Devs have just given up now. They know the game is in a decline. If they cared they would've made changes by now. This game feels like battlefront 2, frozen in time with no updates and the same problems.
    Warrior_of_Light likes this.
  15. I’m starting to loose the spirit & interest to play because of no asw anymore! I think I’m not the only one who feels this way either. You ata devs admins & game programmers can bring new updates by adding new lands to kaw now since you will not bring this year’s ASW. Please do that at least then. maybe my spirit & interest to continue playing your game might come back. 😔😞.
  16. Two weeks ago you made this announcement...there was a time ATA used to read their own forums and interact with us here. You encourage us to post here, yet where is your response to all the feedback Will? this is a poor show from ATA. You misjudged how the community feels about ASW and perhaps more importantly what this signifies to the game, cancelling the showcase war event in a war game... you are testing our loyalty in the wrong way.
    Snowman and SnowbIossom like this.
  17. Other people here have said plenty. This is a move that has upset large swathes of the playerbase and has driven many loyal players away from this game. ATA has had plenty of time to read and respond to our concerns but they have remained silent. Proof that they do not care so long as the same few dozen people keep dropping hundreds/thousands a week to play this game. The rest of us don’t matter. War in a war game? Forget about it! Apparently. Congrats ATA you have foretold your own demise and now you must reap what you sow. One by one the players will go and all the devs will wonder why. That’s how disconnected you devs are. Farewell.
    Odoyle03 likes this.
  18. So this really all comes down to the devs wanting the money without putting in the work!
    Kalthrac and TroofLSA like this.