Serpent and Stone

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Caster, Sep 26, 2022.

  1. Serpent and Stone


    Two statues arrive as gifts from a city known for its artists. While the statues are breathtakingly beautiful and realistic, something about them bodes sinister.

    As you investigate the source of the unease that the statues evoke, you find that both the art and the artist are not what they seem...

    This event consists of a primary Legend and an extra Legend available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side-Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed.

    This event will be available from Wednesday, September 28th until Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 at noon PT.

    Exclusive Furnishings

    Furnishings exclusive to Serpent and Stone will be available in the Furnishings Shop, Serpent Stash Box and Royal Serpent Stash Box.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Daily Legends Update

    During this event the daily legends have been expanded to include 2 legend tracks that offer more tasks and rewards players can earn each day.

    Our goal is to provide players with chances to earn rewards from a wider variety of activities in KAW. Currently these changes are only scheduled to last the duration of this event but we are open to feedback on them and the potential to iterate in the future.
    #1 [ATA]Caster, Sep 26, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2022
    Nov, Corinthian, Thrawn and 1 other person like this.
  2. We need asw dates to request off work please
  3. I love this set!.. the pet more specifically! 🤩🙏🍻
  4. Granite golem is baby 👀
    Tokage likes this.
  5. Nice set, colors complement each other well 🤙🏻
    Lord2Gunz likes this.
  6. No more snakes please lol 🤧
    Metzy likes this.
  7. Love the set and the new daily legends!
  8. I appreciate the new daily legends so far! Every little bit helps us small clanner hermits.

    Also…for Deep “Serpent” Galactic fans:

    “Serpent and Stone.. Yeeaaahhh!”
    “Serpent and Stone forever!”
    “Serpent and Stone!”
    “For Serpent and Stone!”
    “Serpent and Roll and Stone!”
    “That’s it lads! Serpent and Stone!”
    “Yeaahhh! Serpent and Stone!”
    “Stone and Serpent! …Oh, wait…”
    “Come on guys! Serpent and Stone!”
    “If you don’t Serpent and Stone, you ain’t coming home!”
    “We fight for Serpent and Stone!”
    “Serpent and Stone everyone!”
    “Yeah, yeah, Serpent and Stone.”
    “Serpent and Stone in the Heart!”
    “Did I hear a Serpent and Stone?”
    “Serpent and Stone, Brother!”
    “Serpent and Stone to the Bone!”
  9. Don’t mind changing up legends but not a fan of these particular changes. It replaces easy small daily activity rewards with onerous and time consuming tasks that will force ppl to abandon daily legends or significantly change their or their clan’s playing habits:

    eb actions: fine

    Do 25 items: most players of a certain size are in clans rotating noth and goth, for which there is exactly 1 item between them. So coans will need to run multiple smaller ebs for ppl to get their items, or ppl will need to hop around item hunting.

    complete eb: fine

    do any pvp action: pain in the ass but doable scout bombing some inactive

    att/ass pvp: very time consuming and annoying

    use xtal: makes us use a commodity with 10 nob value (even though we get a lot free) just to complete the legend. 👎

    wouldn’t mind if these things were in addition to the daily boxes for those that want to max their box drops, but as a replacement me no likey
  10. Damn imagine giving us 20 xtals per event (16 from legends) and making us use 14 of them for a chest that has high odds of giving only items. Let alone making it even harder for smalls to grow without being cornered into spending money LOL. GG ata
  11. So again the Devs in their infinite wisdom implement something that was not wanted or needed yet ignore completely the things we asked for! The daily chests for smalls with the trader tokens is a huge help to them, now they have to use more than they get , you wasted the survey results and didn't listen! Verryyyyyyyy slow hand claaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppp
  12. Rubbish! Just straight up ugly Rubbish!
    one_of_five and Mott like this.
  13. 💯 nailed if
    Sugar-Magnolia, one_of_five and Mott like this.
  14. I like the idea of having tasks to earn the free chest. This will basically nerf the army of bots collecting 2 free chests daily. However, the tasks are just way to much. Especially the 50 pvp atk or assn
  15. If I may ask, what makes the 50 attack or assassinate specifically too much? Is it because it’s not just “50 pvp actions” (that includes both troops and spies for efficiency), is it the income being too low for pvp compared to EBs for those ~3 hours (if only one side), is it the amount of actions/time required for a daily, or is the fact that it’s pvp-based and therefore in danger of causing drama/return fire without hitting inactives or own accounts?
  16. Do not mind working for the free chests tbh buy the requirement around using items is no good, forces clans to run bad ebs or gets people hopping which is annoying. Not increasing engagement or satisfaction with the game.
  17. If it was 50 att / ass / steal I think it would be fine.
  18. Having to run bad ebs and hop if you miss them is a terrible design choice.

    Moving 1 of the 2 chests to PvP only and requiring Crystal usage is terrible.
  19. The PvP side of the daily legend is three times more difficult than the EB side; why 50 attack or assassinations when the third leg of the EB is simply complete an EB. Why doesn’t that also suffice for the PvP side? AND the xtal requirement is also over the top for a regular box, why not upgrade equipment 5 times, as an alternative?
    lIspyderll, Sihaya and -_-DaRna-_- like this.
  20. 1) boxes should be the first prize.
    2) additional side quest for extra items.
    3) we are getting squat for spending an xtal.
    I do like side quests god more things but maybe do like you did before with the twins where it’s optional to complete or optional if you want the baron boxes.