ASW Announcement

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Sep 24, 2022.

  1. 😱no ASW!😮‍💨 the very words & meaning ‘KINGDOMS AT WAR” is build upon ASW ROCK! asw rock crumbles to nothing so falls KaW down too!!📉💣🧨
    RS-roni-RS, ABR and FnR__LaDyAsHx like this.
  2. I echo the disappointment that everyone above me is expressing. I look forward to ASW and seasonal wars every year. I don’t know one person that would rather tap an EB versus war. I can’t believe you would just throw your hands up and quick what this game is based on. Shocked.
    RS-roni-RS, ABR and Melancholy like this.
  3. Welp, I’m not spending anymore on this game.
  4. VERY DISAPPOINTED....I've been grinding in the game with asw in mind and now you guys won't do it.... atleast restart SEASONAL WARS but that would be work too and u guys won't do it ....kaw is basically turning into Kingdoms at epic battles...VERY DISAPPOINTED 😞
  5. Same, almost. Im not spending any more on this game UNTIL their is a suitable replacement. Some sort of premium war series, or seasonal war type championship, or direct ASW replacement is needed. Then I’ll likely have interest in growing again and spend on nobs and xtals. Until then, what’s the point in growing?
  6. Honestly disappointment isn't the word I would wanna use anymore. You guys know well that big wars are soughted by many peeps and it's the one time people get to show off their new builds, bfa, etc. I can't believe you guys just gonna say no to that. There has to be an alternate or else ppl really gonna take a break and not even spend on a game where the devs do not care about the public opinion
  7. Officially retiring if this isn't amended. You lost this paying customer.
  8. Very disappointing!
    RS-roni-RS, ABR and Passion like this.
  9. This is not the reaction the devs were probably expecting. Good job KaW community on holding our ground!!! Take the asw poll under “War” forums to show how we actually feel. We can’t see each others surveys so they could say something that the results don’t agree with.
  10. Canceling asw is like Santa discontinuing presents, but still stopping by for cookies. Sorry devs, I'm all out of flour and sugar.
  11. If you are going to take away ASW I hope you are going to work on EE and Indi wars. I play to get better for ASW. I don’t war much at all because despite my size (and bad build) I simply cannot compete in smaller wars with players who have immense amounts of charms. Making smaller wars more competitive and easier to access should be your next step if you are going to take away ASW.
  12. 100% agree. They will want our money on Black Friday but won’t give the community what they want. They gonna be sad when earnings hit an all time low.. Players won’t spend if they don’t see a reason to! And what’s the reason now…? To hit more ebs?? Let’s call game “Kingdoms against Epic Battles.”
    JAX, RS-roni-RS, OfKawSe and 2 others like this.
  13. So you guys just not read any of the surveys? Our expectations for you clowns are already rock bottom, is there something below rock bottom that can be used to describe our expectations for you?

    Its very evident now that surveys you sent out were just smoke to cancel ASW and say that's what the surveys said, when it's convenient that we can't see the results
  14. Can you tell us what you’re working on? In place of asw? Then at least the community will feel like you’re doing something for the game.
    JAX, ABR, RS-roni-RS and 3 others like this.
  15. Fuckin great way to kill the game off
    JAX, ABR, deenie and 6 others like this.
  16. Any replacement if you are taking away ASW?
  17. Wars all wars earn ata nothing, EBS earn them money and prem EBS earn them a lot, to that end war is redundant in all forms! All they want is for us to buy items to open prem EBS and tap away to no end! No reason to grow your stats now, bit like owning a super car and driving it at 30mph
    -winger-, -HAWK- and RS-roni-RS like this.
  18. I really hope you don’t plan on cancelling ee wars. People do rightfully complain when there are mismatches (the 3 players vs 9 players with 6 people who cast woc and didn’t get a clan variety, not talking about the “I think the other team is stronger” variety), but that doesn’t mean we don’t like ee wars at all.
    I would much rather have the occasional mismatch than have no ee wars at all.

    also fyi, I would have much rather had an ASW even with a few bugs, than no ASW at all.

    Thank you Will and dev team, for working on whatever new thing you are coming up with. Hopefully I like it as much as I really enjoyed the ASW and the Seasonal Wars (R.I.P.)
    -HAWK-, xWarRocketAJAXx, JAX and 12 others like this.
  19. Quick solution(a trial): make ASW a KA no dtw/dts. Might be more simple for your matching algorithm.

    Scheduling? ASW used to be a 6hr war. We still played it. Now trimmed down to a 2hr war. Can't shorten it anymore.
    ABR and Cheddar-Bay_Biscuits like this.
  20. As previous contributors have said Asw is the one tournament that many plan for, save for build for. Its a very poor show to cancel without any really credible evidence to offer or even try to plecate ppl with an alternative option you can only push the loyalty of your playerbase so far without seeing a negative response.